Around 4.9 million people get arrested for crimes every year in the U.S. Facing criminal charges can be unnerving and stressful and can stay on your record for your lifetime. While there are numerous types of criminal cases, here are the five most common. 


There are strict laws and penalties against drunk driving, which is illegal in all states. However, DUI is not considered a criminal offense unless the driver has a history of DUI convictions or if the drunk driving accident resulted in serious injuries or wrongful death. Drunk driving penalties can include hefty fines and incarceration. Despite strict penalties, DUI offenses are still common. Every day, more than 32 people die in drunk driving accidents.  

Domestic Violence 

Domestic violence is recognized as a crime in most states, and according to the Spartacus Law Firm, it can result in strict penalties. Domestic violence includes physical violence, financial control, and psychological or sexual assault. Issuing threats or attacking pets and property to intimidate a family member or partner also counts as domestic abuse. Many states allow victims of domestic abuse to get a restraining order against the offender until the suspect gets convicted. According to research, a person suffers from domestic violence every 20 minutes. As a result, numerous domestic violence cases are filed every year, making domestic violence one of the most common criminal defense cases. 

Drug Offenses  

Drug-related offenses comprise more than 1 million arrests every year in the U.S. The possession and selling of drugs are serious crimes across the nation. People convicted of peddling, trafficking, or possessing drugs can face severe penalties, including incarceration, depending on the quantity and nature of the drug. The most common drugs include cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and crack. Typically, people who are involved in such crimes either have a drug abuse disorder, commit such an act in pursuit of money, suffer peer pressure, are stressed, or had early exposure to drugs. 

Property Crime

Property crimes involve destroying or stealing someone else’s property or possessions. According to an FBI report, there were approximately 6,925,677 reported property crimes in 2019, outnumbering the number of violent crimes in the U.S. There can be different types of property crimes, including larceny, theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism. Out of all these types, larceny is the most common property crime in America. All states have strict penalties for property crimes. 

Sex Crimes 

Unfortunately, sex crimes are very common across America, as 43% of men and 81% of women have experienced threats of rape, attempted or completed rape, harassment, sexual assault, or sexual misconduct in their lifetime. There are various sex crimes, including rape, indecent exposure, molestation, child pornography, prostitution, and sexual assault or battery. 

When a person is convicted of a sex crime, they can face a range of penalties, such as needing to register as a sex offender. They might not be able to pursue certain careers or obtain specific licenses after such a conviction. Convictions for sex crimes can have life-altering repercussions. It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to build a solid defense for such an accusation. 


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