Tinted Windows, Tinted Investigation. The DA dismissed the case early in 1538 suppression motion!
Cheyenne Joshua & Jordan Payne represented 26-year old Black man, who was stopped while driving legally and safely. The officers’ justification of the traffic stop was flimsy, and even troubling when viewed through the lense of racial injustice: excessively tinted window. The officers searched our client’s car after illegally poking and prodding into their pockets during a pat-frisk. They found a loaded gun in the glove compartment. Even though the gun was registered and owned legally by our client, he was accused of improperly transporting it. He was never cited by either officer for having excessively tinted glass. The body-camera footage of the officers led us to conclude that the stop had been illegally prolonged, the frisk unlawfully intrusive, and the car search unjustified. We prepared for the hearing, writing the anticipated response brief and mooting at least three times. However, the case ended up being dismissed before we could challenge the officers’ problematic behavior in court. We were happy to tell the client who had no previous record that the case was closed. We went to Santa Clara Hall of Justice on the day of the hearing to receive an official dismissal from the judge. The judge signed a return order on that date. Our client can now move on with his life. According to him, the dark cloud that hung over his head has lifted.