Personal injuries can have a life-long impact. Never ignore symptoms after a car accident. Ignoring them could worsen the situation. This condition could become life-threatening.

You can get the compensation that you deserve if you understand the full extent of your injuries. These are the most common personal injuries victims suffer in car accidents.


Car accidents can cause the head to move quickly forwards and backwards. Whiplash is named because it causes the same movement as a cracking whip. It damages ligaments, muscles, tendons and discs.

It may take up to 24 hours after a car crash for neck pain, stiffness, headaches or dizziness or fatigue symptoms to appear. Whiplash is more common in rear-end collisions and vehicles traveling at high speeds. This injury can have long-term effects, such as severe headaches and chronic neck pain radiating through your arms and shoulders.

Back and spinal cord injuries

Back strains, which are minor in nature, are a common occurrence after car accidents. Slipped discs can be more severe, and car accident victims may suffer for many years. Spinal cord injuries can change your life forever and even cause partial or complete paralysis.

These injuries can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the severity and location of the injury. You may experience numbness or tingling, limited mobility and even lose control over your bladder or bowels. High-speed collisions and catastrophic accidents are more likely to cause these types of injuries.

Head and Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and head trauma can be mild or severe depending on the force and direction of the impact. Cognitive symptoms, such as memory problems, difficulty speaking and perception impairments, are common after a major auto accident. Other behavioral symptoms, such as increased irritability or mood swings, may also occur.

You might have headaches, nausea and vomiting, as well as having difficulty balancing or keeping coordinated. Car accidents involving vehicle rollovers or head-on collisions with large trucks can cause brain and head injuries.

Broken Bones

In car accidents, it’s not uncommon to suffer a fractured arm, leg, or pelvis.

T-bone collisions and frontal impact collisions are more likely to cause broken bones, especially when the speed is high. You may have a long recovery depending on the type and location of your fracture. Even after the bones have healed, you could still experience chronic pain, nerve damage and mobility problems.

Psychological Effects

The psychological impact of a car crash can be devastating, regardless of whether you suffer a serious physical injury or only minor cuts and bruises. Accident victims can be traumatized by their injuries for many years. Some accident victims have lost family members or friends and are left with grief. Even though physical injuries can be severe, mental and emotional distress may last longer.

Know What To Do If You Have Been Injured by a Motor Vehicle Accident

Some injuries can heal quickly, but others may be permanent. After you have received medical attention, it is important that you retain the services of a California personal injuries law firm. Your attorney will fight for your rights and help you get the compensation that is fair to cover your losses.

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