Attorney at Law Magazine sat with Jill Felkins to discuss Forward Together, Segal McCambridge’s women initiative. Felkins, who founded Forward Together in addition to being a member of both the firm’s diversity, equity & inclusivity committee and executive committee, is also a member on the firm’s executive committee.

Tell us about Forward Together.

JF :Forward Together, our women’s initiative. After attending a conference in 2020 that included a panel discussion about women’s initiative in law firms, I created the program. Forward Together is a program that supports our female attorneys’ personal and professional growth through mentoring, networking and educational programming. This initiative is crucial because it gives our female lawyers a place to come together and build a supportive community, while also addressing the challenges that women face in the legal field.

AALM What improvements have you noticed in your company since starting Forward Together?

JF : Our Forward Together program has received excellent feedback from our female lawyers. Since the program was launched, four female lawyers have been promoted to shareholder status and two have been promoted to senior shareholder. The firm has also added five lateral female shareholders. Two female attorneys are serving on the executive committee for the first time ever in the history of the firm.

AALM Are there other industry initiatives which have had an impact?

JFThe Mansfield Rule is a meaningful and impactful industry initiative. The program aims to increase diversity and inclusivity in law firms. Segal McCambridge has begun the Mansfield Certification Process and hopes to become certified by 2024.

AALMHow do you measure change in your organisation and industry?

JFIn our firm, we measure change in conjunction with Mansfield Certification by tracking individuals considered for employment, elevating to shareholder status and leadership positions. Our diversity equity and inclusion committee keeps abreast of changes in the industry, and reports directly to the executive committee.

AALMAre You Optimistic about the possibility of achieving gender parity within the legal profession?

JF: Yes! Diversity initiatives are taken seriously by law firms. Our clients are equally as important. Both firms and clients are pushing for gender equality, so I am confident that the legal profession can achieve diversity that is representative of the communities that we serve.

AALM Describe some of your mentorship opportunities. Have you had any notable successes to share with us?

JFSegal McCambridge offers a firm-wide mentorship as well as a Forward Together mentorship. The firmwide mentorship program pairs shareholders and associates from all 14 offices. Forward Together offers a mentoring program for female associates. Each female is paired with a shareholder. My own mentoring of shareholder Mandy Kolodkin is a success I am proudest of. I have mentored Mandy Kolodkin since she was first-year associate. First, we focused on the law and her development as a lawyer. Then we moved on to the business side of law. Mandy was recognized early as a rising Star at Segal McCambridge. She opened the Indianapolis office of Segal McCambridge in 2021, and became a shareholder last year. Her success is proof of what can be accomplished when a firm invests into an attorney’s development, and that attorney invests back in the firm.

What kind of initiatives and goals is discussed at leadership workshops?

JF :Forward Together programs cover a variety of topics of interest to women who are participating in this initiative. Career development programs can include presentations and workshops on business development. Forward Together recognizes that the personal growth of an attorney has a direct impact on her professional success. Forward Together offers programming on nutrition, work/life balance, financial planning and even yoga!

AALM :Who are some of the women that inspired you to do great things?

JF :All the women shareholders who came before me at Segal McCambridge inspired me. They showed me that Segal McCambridge offered a pathway to leadership and success. I was also inspired by my mother from an early age. She has always been my biggest cheerleader, and she’s made me feel like there was no limit to my achievements.

The post Jill Felkins – Forward Together – Advancing Women’s Initiatives In the Legal Field first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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