Aubrey Boswell: Curiosity, Loyalty & Hard Work

My parents instilled in me at an early age a curiosity about life, a sense of loyalty to people and principles, and a commitment to hard work. All three have played a key part in making me who I am, what I have done, and where I am going,” says Aubrey Boswell, founder of Boswell PLLC.

Those values directed how he approaches his business and the care of his clients and illustrate how his firm has grown from a one-man shop to a business with seven employees in a remarkably short period of time. Boswell PLLC helps clients achieve wealth and stability through a variety of estate planning and probate services.

There are people smarter than me in this business, but there’s no one who can outwork me when it comes to taking care of my clients.

He says his parents never turned away from questions about life and the ways of the world. They emphasized the importance of loyalty, and, through example, led him to a commitment to hard work. His mother was a schoolteacher for 30 years and his father worked as a repair technician for 40 years. “They were very hard workers and their work ethic is part of my DNA.” There are people smarter than me in this business, but there’s no one who can outwork me when it comes to taking care of my clients,” Boswell says.

Taking A Two-Way Street

Unlike many contemporaries in his practice areas, Boswell is a licensed CPA and an attorney. Choosing that career path took a few years. During his first terms in college, he searched for a direction. He found one path when his parents noted he was good with numbers. “Why don’t you go into accounting?” Two years later he graduated (cum laude) in accounting from SMU.

After interning for a major accounting firm, he soon realized that the path just wasn’t enough. “I think accounting as a career was interesting. And it made sense to me because the numbers always made sense.  You could get an answer in a mathematical solution. But there was something in me that I felt like I wanted a little bit more. I wanted a little bit more challenge in my life. I wanted to help people in a more in-depth and at the same time more personal way,” he says.

Boswell graduated from the SMU Dedman School of Law (cum laude) in 2009.

“I’ve always had that curiosity and wanting to learn, but also law school seemed like a place where you could really dig deeper and sharpen skills to advocate and make a difference in life to make a difference in the world.” he says.

His two approaches provide a significant advantage for Boswell and his firm. “I like to hold out that I’m a CPA and board certified in estate planning and probate. I have 15 years of experience and what really makes the firm special and our real advantage, is the loyalty to our clients as shown by our personal touch.”

Clients agree. “Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work professionally with Mr. Boswell on various matters. It was readily apparent that he cares very deeply about his clients and takes great pride in his work product. I could not be more impressed with his tremendous breadth of knowledge and expertise.”  Megan

“We get tremendous responses from our clients. Many become genuine friends and our relationships go on long past our business relationship is concluded. One reason is that we work so hard for them. Good results follow hard work. I approach everything that I do with a full-on desire and attitude I am going to get this done and make this happen for my client,” Boswell says.

A Shift in Direction

After law school, Boswell worked at an accounting firm before moving to a boutique law firm where he specialized in sophisticated estate planning and probate matters. That experience directed him into focusing his practice in those two areas when he formed his own firm. His shift in direction wasn’t from one to the other, but to a position where he could take full advantage of each skill.

“If you had asked me in law school if I would go into estate planning and probate, I would have said, ‘no way.’ At the time it seemed boring. But I realized over time, I could use some of the skills I had working with numbers with estate planning and probate to get better results for my clients. It started to make sense to me when I fully realized these areas actually touch everyone’s life.”

Boswell says everyone needs an estate plan and everyone is likely to experience the probate process in life. He saw the combination of those areas as a way to put his experience as a CPA and as an attorney to make a significant financial, legal and emotional difference in individual lives.

“We get brought into family dynamics to help solve serious challenges. We put a plan in place that really helps solve the problem and at the same time give them real peace of mind. We get to help someone move to the next chapter from a point of great loss and great need. And it’s such a great opportunity to be able to help someone at that time in their life. I really started to see where I was going to be able to make a difference there. I never would have seen my life unfolding this way, but it really has been a blessing.  I love what I do today,” he says.

Aubrey Boswell

A Family Man Active in His Community

Aubrey Boswell's family
Boswell with his family

Boswell’s loyalty to his clients, his firm and the law is matched by his love of family and community. He and his wife, Bonnie, are lifelong residents of the Greater Dallas Area who met through mutual friends. They have been married five and a half years. They have four children: Sutton, 4, twins Parker and Quinn, 3, and Riley, 1.

He and Bonnie enjoy going to concerts, especially country and western shows. They work out together at a local gym most days of the week. As a family, they enjoy seeing the many sights around town, such as museums, galleries, the aquarium, or the arboretum. The children enjoy taking family trips, so the family unit gets around. “Even though they’re young, we really want to make our experiences part of their lives. They attend St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Lakewood. Boswell enjoys reading nonfiction books on current events.

He admits to one guilty pleasure. “Bonnie and I really like to watch reality TV shows late at night after the kids have gone to bed. It’s pure entertainment – just something to take your mind off the troubles of the day,” he says.

Boswell is heavily involved in the estate planning and probate community and is active in several organizations, including the Dallas Estate Planning Council and the Dallas Probate Inn of Court.

He is the vice president of public relations of ChandlerSpeaks, a nonprofit formed by a friend. The friend’s daughter, Chandler, had a speech disability and required significant speech therapy to address it. Boswell recognized that there was a huge number of children needing speech therapy with parents lacking the means to pay for it. “Speech is such an important part of my life as an attorney that my friend’s need resonated with me. We do great work in helping children connect to the world,” he says.

His personal philosophy is imprinted on a sign in his office that reads “Better Than Yesterday.” Boswell says, “It’s this idea of always improving and always striving to get better at what you do. The practices you do, the habits you make, the work that you do can always be better. In my experience, those early lessons about curiosity, loyalty and hard work prove that.”

At a Glance

Boswell PLLC
4925 Greenville Avenue, Suite 360 
Dallas, TX 75206

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