White lab is an Italian healthcare testing and inspection platform company which with the assistance of Dentons, has acquired a competitor company, AgioMetrix.

White Lab is dedicated to consumer health providing high-quality testing, research and consultancy services. Their aim is to create the largest Italian network of laboratories and obtain an extensive network through the country which is committed to a healthier and more sustainable way of life.

AgioMetrix is based in Bologna and through the use of computed tomography and other metrological tests has been operating in the non-invasive testing. They have been testing products and materials whilst focusing on defect detection, dimensional checks and reverse engineering.

This acquisition will allow White Lab to see out their mission and become a point of reference in Italy for verification, analysis and certification services in the environmental, food and healthcare sectors.

AgioMetrix was advised by Rossini Advisory for the financial aspects of this acquisition.

Q&A with Marco Rossini

Marco, tell us more about this acquisition and what your professional role was whilst working with AgioMetrix.

My role was to follow the company in all phases, from the search for the correct investors to the negotiation with valorisation of the part and then all the DD.

Why do you believe you were best suited to assist AgioMetrix on this project, what skills did you use which sets you apart from other advisory companies?

I am an independent advisor, I have a lot of flexibility, I accurately understand the needs of each client coming from consultancy activity and before then from important top management experience.

“Every company I follow is the center of my universe. I study and understand the strengths and weaknesses.”

With so much experience in Mergers and Acquisitions what is it you find so interesting about working on projects like this one with AgioMetrix, is this an area that you find especially thrilling to work on?

I am very excited by these types of projects. Italian companies have understood the importance of aggregation, of having partners who participate in the Dir Ischio Capital. At the industrial level (this is my true specialisation) these projects create transversal skills which are then unloaded on the reference market. I start from these projects, to put together activities that make not only economic sense but are industrially similar.

Why is it so important to you to focus SME’s and to develop a sense of closeness and relatability with the clients, how do you believe this has benefited both you and the client during projects?

Italy is a country rich in SME’s, every entrepreneur is at the centre of his universe and every entrepreneur has great potential. This is not enough today to compete in the world market, this is why I consider the M&A area as strategic.

“There are no large or small companies, there are large or small projects. This makes a difference for me.”

How does each project support your business growth and could you tell us if there is anything you are currently working on that is exciting for the company and yourself?

I support activities in many cases including at the business development level and this is another distinctive trait that distinguishes me from other advisory companies.




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