Attorney at Law Magazine sat down with Injury RX Founder Dave Francolini to discuss the solution he has created for personal injury clients and law firms. Through Injury RX, patients can receive immediate telemedicine care as well as pharmacy solution, bridging the treatment gap and helping to support their injury claim. 

AALM: What first interested you in the medical field? How did that bring you to the intersection of medical and legal?

DF: Over the years I’ve developed many companies in the healthcare sector. Different healthcare software solutions, a national telemedicine network, and a national pharmacy network to name a few. Through discussions with an industry leader in the PI space and previous business partner I combined previously developed technology and networks to create the Injury Rx solution.

AALM: Tell us about some of your business mentors and the best lessons they taught you.

DF: I’m thankful to have had many business mentors in my life. One important lesson was digging deep to determine my “Why?”. There’s so many times that I don’t feel like getting up at 4am, or feel like working long days, but my “Why” is much stronger than those feelings and it keeps me focused and determined. This goes hand in hand with what I feel is the single most important character trait and that’s self-discipline. Which I’d have to attribute that lesson to my time in the Marine Corps.

AALM: How has InjuryRX evolved since the launch? Any changes ahead?

DF: Injury Rx continues to evolve as we listen to our client-base. We now have physician and pharmacy coverage in all 50 states many times over. The physician network is always available for live transfer so there’s no lost revenue for firms due to inability to get a client back on the phone. We now also have the ability to do PT, chiropractor, and neurological referrals where medically necessary.

AALM: Tell us a little bit about the technology used to power your business and any changes you’re looking to implement to better serve clients and/or firms.

DF: Our software technology is powerful yet simple. It was important to us to provide our law firm clients with an easy to use web-based environment with no applications to download. Here they can check the status of submitted patients, access doctor notes from the consult, PT/Chiro/Neuro referrals, and invoices.

AALM: Since launching, what kind of impact have you seen for law firm clients that use your services? How do you see that changing ahead?

DF: The response has been unreal. Our law firms are seeing better case outcomes across the board. Clients in rural areas, minimal & no treatment cases, that would have normally resulted in $0, are now earning a profit for their firm and clients on those cases. Clients are claiming they use Injury Rx successfully to retain clients that are shopping around with different firms. It’s a powerful statement to a client, “John, let’s get you signed up with our firm and I can get you on a call with an MD immediately and non-narcotic medications to your door within 48hrs.” They’re also huge fans of us “Bridging the gap in treatment” from time of accident to time of seeing their medical team, which helps significantly with adjuster negotiations.

AALM: Is InjuryRX available nationwide?

DF: Injury Rx has licensed physicians in all 50 states many times over. They’re available 24 hours to serve our clients. Our pharmacy network is also available in all 50 states with a 24-48 hour delivery time. We plan to speed up our delivery to same-day delivery in the near future.

AALM: Do you have any new ventures that you’re developing?

DF: Injury Rx has been growing exponentially and so well received by the community that we are laser focused on scaling and expanding this solution.

AALM: Tell us a little bit about yourself outside the office.

DF: Outside of the Office? I didn’t know there was such a thing! Just kidding … I enjoy traveling the world and creating memories with my wife and daughter. I’m in the gym daily and focused on my mental and physical health. I’ll leave you with a favorite quote… “A man with his health has 1000 dreams. A man without it, has only 1.”

The post Injury RX: Bridging the Treatment Gap appeared first on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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