Alabama truck accidents that involve tractor-trailers, delivery trucks and other commercial-type vehicles can result in serious injuries. In some cases, even death. Alabama law allows injured individuals to seek compensation for damages and claim for compensation if they or a loved one have been in a truck accident.

You must prove that the responsible party was at-fault or negligent in order to file a successful Alabama truck crash claim. This proof must be established by three elements.


First, you must prove negligence by proving that the truck driver owed a duty to care. Truck drivers are bound by a fiduciary duty of reasonable care to avoid accidents.


Negligence is defined as the failure to follow the standard of care by the truck driver at fault. They are therefore guilty of violating their duty of care.


The truck accident petitioner must prove that the truck driver breached their duty of care.

If you don’t have the right guidance, it can be difficult to prove negligence in Alabama. If you want to get full compensation for your losses, it is important to identify the at-fault party. Mobile experienced truck accident lawyers can help you prove and pursue your claim for truck accident damages. To determine if you are liable, the process starts with an extensive investigation of your case.

Mobile, AL: Common Types of Truck Unintentional Deaths

There were 85779 accidents involving trucks, in Alabama in 2020. This was associated with 130 deaths. These are the most common types of Alabama trucking accident:

Factors that Lead to Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can take many forms. These are the most common reasons for truck accidents:

What legal issues are most common in truck accident claims?

Alabama has several laws that govern commercial trucking accidents. The Alabama Department of Transportation is ALDOT the agency responsible for the state.

Two federal agencies are charged with investigating and regulating truck accidents.

Title 49 in the Code of Federal Regulations addresses a variety of legal issues.

Victims may be entitled to a lawsuit in Alabama for truck accidents if a trucker, or their employer, violates federal statutes (including Title 49), or regulations established by the Alabama Department of Transportation.

How important it is to consult an attorney soon after being in a truck accident?

The tractor trailers can be dangerous motor vehicles. They can be up to 20 times heavier than a typical passenger car. This often leads to serious injuries and catastrophic consequences.

It is important to contact an accident lawyer immediately if you have been in an accident involving a truck or commercial vehicle within the Mobile, AL region. Your delay will allow the trucking company or insurance company to get a head start on investigating the accident scene.

If you want to be compensated for damages caused by a trucking accident or other commercial vehicle accident, it is important that you have a lawyer representing you.

What can an Accident Lawyer do for you?

Mobile’s most experienced accident lawyers, AL and the surrounding areas will handle your truck accident immediately. They are able to help you navigate what can be confusing and complex claims processes in Alabama.

You could be limiting your chances of receiving compensation for the damages you sustained in the accident without an attorney representing your interests and actively investigating the matter on your behalf. Contact us today to discuss your case and find out about your legal options.

The post A Mobile, AL Truck Accident Lawsuit was first published on Attorney At Law Magazine.

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