Beginning January 1, 2025, major changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure regarding civil case management go into effect. These changes require judges, attorneys and all litigants to adjust their approaches to litigation, placing a strong emphasis on working together to achieve the court’s objectives. These recent changes are part of the Supreme Court’s continued efforts to streamline timely resolution of civil cases and create a framework for adhering to deadlines through effective case management based on the complexity of the case.

The days of obtaining multiple trial continuances, failing to confer, and implementing unnecessary delay tactics appear to be numbered as these changes focus on strict deadlines, shorter timeframes, cooperation among parties, and disfavoring continuances. The Supreme Court has taken these steps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of civil litigation and expedite the backlog of cases on Florida dockets. These amendments aim to drive collaboration, streamline the litigation process, while reducing unnecessary delays and minimizing costs.

Active case management is now codified in the amended Rules of Civil Procedure with a complete overhaul of Rule 1.200 (Case Management; Pretrial Procedure), and notable changes to 1.201 (Complex Litigation), 1.280 (General Provisions Governing Discovery), 1.440 (Setting Action for Trial), and 1.460 (Motions to Continue Trial).

I’ve created a quick reference to the notable changes below.

Rule 1.200 (Case Management; Pretrial Procedure):

New Rule 1.202 (Conferral Prior to Filing Motions):

Rule 1.280 (General Provisions Governing Discovery):

Rule 1.440 (Setting Trial):

Rule 1.460 (Motions to Continue Trial):

Rule 1.510 (Summary Judgment):

The amendments made by the Florida Supreme Court are designed to foster greater cooperation among parties involved in civil litigation, with a primary focus on ensuring the timely resolution of issues. Moving forward, for the amendments to be successful, it will be essential for all participants to embrace a more cooperative and efficient approach to resolving legal disputes as the rules for navigating civil procedures in Florida evolve.

The post 2025 Brings New Changes to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure appeared first on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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