There are only 36 days before the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA) takes effect on February 21, 2025. Presently, both the state House and Senate have introduced bills to amend the ESTA. The House acted quickly convening a committee to hear testimony on House Bill 4002 and proposed amendments to the minimum wage law (HB 4001). Varnum’s Labor and Employment team has been closing monitoring the progress of these amendments.

Varnum attorney Ashleigh Draft testified before the House Select Committee on Protecting Michigan Employees and Small Businesses in support of House Bill 4002. To date, the Senate has not yet convened a committee to discuss the Senate Bill. A summary of both the House and Senate bills follow:

House Bill (HB 4002)

The House Bill includes crucial amendments to make the Act more workable for both employees and employers, including:

Senate Bill (SB 15)

The bill pending in the Senate proposes the following amendments:

Charlotte E. Jolly contributed to this article

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