As we settle in to 2025, and five additional state privacy laws have or are about to go into effect, we wanted to put on your radar the obligation to conduct data protection impact assessments (DPIAs). In general, a DPIA should contain:

As a reminder, most of the new state privacy laws require businesses to complete DPIAs if you do any of the following:

  1. Cookies and pixels (i.e., browser-based targeted advertising)
  2. Custom and lookalike audience (i.e., CRM-based targeted advertising)
  3. CAPI (i.e., server-based targeted advertising)
  4. App advertising (i.e., SDK-based targeted advertising)
  5. Find-a-store (i.e., precise geolocation collection)
  6. Other sensitive information collection (e.g., race, ethnicity, health, etc.)
  7. Selling of personal data
  8. Adaptive pricing (i.e., profiling that may cause financial injury)
  9. Collecting credit cards number (New Jersey privacy statute only)

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