In late 2023, California supersized the minimum wage for fast food workers by a whopping 25 percent (increasing it from $16 to $20). This law was opposed by the fast food industry, while labor unions (and their many friends and admirers in Sacramento) insisted it would “benefit workers.”

Well, the results are in.  According to a new study released by the Berkeley Research Group, the $20 minimum wage has negatively impacted fast food workers and customers. The study reveals that the increase has led to thousands of job losses, a double-digit hike in food prices, and accelerated use of automation and artificial intelligence.

The key takeaways from the study include the following:

The full study can be found here. Undeterred, the Fast Food Council’s Planning Subcommittee will meet later this month to discuss yet another increase to the minimum wage for 2025.  Unsurprisingly, thousands of local restaurant owners have come forward opposing additional wage increases. We will continue to monitor for updates.

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