In this episode of GeTtin’ SALTy, host Nikki Dobay is joined by colleagues Elizabeth Hadley and Catalina Baron from Greenberg Traurig’s Texas offices to discuss the ongoing Texas legislative session and its implications on state and local tax policy.  

Elizabeth is a member of Greenberg Traurig’s Government Law and Policy team and joins the GT SALT team to get in the weeds on Texas policy and politics. The conversation explores the nuances of Texas’s legislative process as well as some of the key priorities the Texas legislature will be focused on this year. Elizabeth goes on to discuss the state’s fiscal health and how it may impact those key priorities, including tax. 

Nikki, Elizabeth, and Cat talk about property tax reform, which is on the legislative agenda proposing an increase in homestead exemptions. They also touch on other priorities such as education savings accounts, water infrastructure investments, and bail reform, exploring how these areas might interact with the budget and legislative calendar. 

The episode concludes with a discussion about a couple Texas legislative traditions as well as TV guilty pleasures.

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