Across all industries, family offices and their owners and management teams face rapidly evolving challenges, opportunities, and risks in the dynamic environment that is 2025. Here are six issues that family offices should consider and be mindful of this year.

1. Impending Sunset after December 31 of Temporarily Doubled Federal Estate, Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Exemption  or Maybe Not?

In 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) increased the lifetime estate and gift tax exemption to $13.99 million per individual ($27.98 million per married couple). Clients who maximized their previous exemption ($13.61 million per individual in 2024), can now make additional gifts of up to $380,000 ($760,000 per married couple) in 2025 without triggering gift tax. Clients who have not used all (or any) of their exemption to date should be particularly motivated to make lifetime gifts because, under current law, the lifetime exemption is scheduled to sunset. 

Since the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the lifetime exemption has been indexed for inflation each year. Understandably, clients have grown accustomed to the steady and predicable increase in their exemption. However, absent congressional action, if the exemption lapses, the lifetime estate and gift tax (and generation-skipping transfer tax) exemption will be cut in half to approximately $7.2 million per individual ($14.4 million per married couple) at the start of 2026. That being said, as a result of the Republican trifecta in the 2024 election, it is very plausible that the temporarily doubled exemption may be extended for some additional period of time as part of the budget reconciliation process, which allows actions by majority vote in the Senate (with the vice president to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie). This is in contrast to the ordinary rules of procedure that require 60 votes out of 100 in the Senate for Congressional action. But there are no assurances that such an extension will occur, and any legislation may not be enacted (if at all) until very late in the year. 

To ensure that no exemption is forfeited, clients should consider reaching out to their estate planning and financial advisors to ensure they have taken full advantage of their lifetime exemption. If the exemption decreases at the start of 2026, unused exemption will be lost. Indeed, absent Congressional action to extend the temporarily doubled exemption, this is a use-it-or-lose-it situation. 

2. Buy-Sell Agreements and Their Role in Business Succession Planning

The death, disability, or retirement of a controlling owner in a family-controlled business can wreak havoc on the entity that the owner may have spent a lifetime building from scratch. If not adequately planned for, such events can lead to the forced sale of the business out of family hands to an unrelated third party. 

A buy-sell agreement is an agreement between the owners of a business, or among the owners of the business and the entity, that provides for the mandatory purchase (or right of first refusal) of an owner’s equity interest, by the other owners or by the business itself (or some combination of the two), upon the occurrence of specified triggering events described in the agreement. Such triggering events can include the death, disability, retirement, withdrawal or termination of employment, bankruptcy and sometimes even the divorce of an owner. Buy-sell agreements may be adapted for use by all types of business entities, including C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies. 

Last June, in Connelly v. United States, the US Supreme Court affirmed a decision of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of the government concerning the estate tax treatment of life insurance proceeds that are used to fund a corporate redemption obligation under a buy-sell agreement. The specific question presented was whether, in determining the fair market value of the corporate shares, there should be any offset to take into account the redemption obligation to the decedent’s estate under a buy-sell agreement. The Supreme Court concluded that there should be no such offset. In doing so, the Supreme Court resolved a conflict that had existed among the federal circuit courts of appeal on this offset issue. 

As a result of the Supreme Court’s decision, buy-sell agreements that are structured as redemption agreements should be reviewed by business owners that expect to have taxable estates. In many cases it may be desirable instead to structure the buy-sell agreement as a cross-purchase agreement. 

For further information, please see our article that addresses the Connelly decision and its implications: US Supreme Court Affirms the Eighth Circuit’s Decision in Favor of the Government Concerning the Estate Tax Treatment of Life Insurance Proceeds Used to Fund a Corporate Redemption Obligation

3. Be Very Careful in Planning With Family Limited Partnerships and Family Limited Liability Companies

The September 2024 Tax Court memorandum decision of Estate of Fields v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2024-90, provides a cautionary tale of a bad-facts family limited partnership (FLP) that caused estate tax inclusion of the property transferred to the FLP under both sections 2036(a)(1) and (2) of the Internal Revenue Code with loss of discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability. In doing so, the court applied the Tax Court’s 2017 holding in Estate of Powell v. Commissioner, 148 T.C. 392 (2017) — the ability of the decedent as a limited partner to join together with other partners to liquidate the FLP constitutes a section 2036(a)(2) estate tax trigger — and raises the specter of accuracy-related penalties that may loom where section 2036 applies.  

Estate of Fields illustrates that, if not carefully structured and administered, planning with family entities can potentially render one worse off than not doing any such planning at all. 

4. The IRS Gets Aggressive in Challenging Valuation Issues 

The past year and a half has seen the IRS become very aggressive in challenging valuation issues for gift tax purposes.

First, in Chief Counsel Advice (CCA) 202352018, the IRS’s National Office, providing advice to an IRS examiner in the context of a gift tax audit, addressed the gift tax consequences of modifying a grantor trust to add tax reimbursement clause, finding there to be a taxable gift. The facts of this CCA involved an affirmative consent by the beneficiaries to a trust modification to allow the trustee to reimburse the grantor for the income taxes attributable to the trust’s grantor trust status. Significantly, the IRS admonished that its principles could also apply in the context of a beneficiary’s failure to object to a trustee’s actions, or in the context of a trust decanting. 

Next, in a pair of 2024 Tax Court decisions — the Anenberg and McDougall cases — the IRS challenged early terminations of qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) marital trusts in favor of the surviving spouse that were then followed by the surviving spouse’s sale of the distributed trust property to irrevocable trusts established for children. While the court in neither case found there to be a gift by the surviving spouse, the Tax Court in McDougall determined that the children made a gift to the surviving spouse by surrendering their remainder interests in the QTIP trust. 

5. The Show Continues: The CTA No Longer Applicable to US Citizens and Domestic Companies

After an on-again-off-again pause of three months beginning in late 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is back in effect, but only for foreign reporting companies. On March 2, the US Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced it will not enforce reporting requirements for US citizens or domestic companies (or their beneficial owners).

Pursuant to Treasury’s announcement, the CTA will now only apply to foreign entities registered to do business in the United States. These “reporting companies” must provide beneficial ownership information (BOI) and company information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) by specified dates and are subject to ongoing reporting requirements regarding changes to previously reported information. To learn more about the CTA’s specific requirements, please see our prior client alert (note that the CTA no longer applies to domestic companies or US citizens, and the deadlines mentioned in the alert have since been modified, as detailed in the following paragraph).

On February 27, FinCEN announced it would not impose fines or penalties, nor take other enforcement measures against reporting companies that fail to file or update BOI by March 21. FinCEN also stated it will publish an interim final rule with new reporting deadlines but did not indicate when the final rule can be expected. Treasury’s March 2 announcement indicates that the government is expecting to issue a proposed rule to narrow the scope of CTA reporting obligations to foreign reporting companies only. No further details are available at this time, but domestic reporting companies may consider holding off on filing BOI reports until the government provides additional clarity on reporting requirements. Foreign reporting companies should consider assembling required information and being prepared to file by the March 21 deadline, while remaining vigilant about further potential changes to reporting requirements in the meantime.  

On the legislative front, earlier this year, the US House of Representatives passed the Protect Small Businesses from Excessive Paperwork Act of 2025 (H.R. 736) on February 10, in an effort to delay the CTA’s reporting deadline. The bill aims to extend the BOI reporting deadline for companies formed before January 1, 2024, until January 1, 2026. The bill is currently before the US Senate, but it is unclear whether it will pass in light of the latest updates.

6. Ethical and Practical Use of AI in Estate Planning

The wave of innovative and exciting artificial intelligence (AI) tools has taken the legal community by storm. While AI opens possibilities for all lawyers, advisors in the estate planning and family office space should carefully consider whether, and when, to integrate AI into their practice. 

Estate planning is a human-centered field. To effectively serve clients, advisors develop relationships over time, provide secure and discrete services, and make recommendations based on experience, compassion, and intuition. 

Increasingly, AI tools have emerged that are marketed towards estate planning and family office professionals. These tools can (1) assist planners with summarizing complex estate planning documents and asset compilations, (2) generate initial drafts of standard estate planning documents, and (3) translate legal jargon into client-friendly language. Though much of the technology is in the initial stages, the possibilities are exciting. 

While estate planning and family office professionals should remain optimistic and open about the emerging AI technology, the following recommendations should be top of mind: 

  • First, advisors must scrutinize the data privacy policies of all AI tools. Advisors should be careful and cautious when engaging with any AI program that requires the input of sensitive or confidential documents to protect the privacy of your clients. 
  • Next, advisors should stay up to date on the statutory and case law developments, as the legal industry is still developing its stance on AI. 
  • Finally, advisors should honor and prioritize the personal and human nature of estate planning and family advising. Over-automating one’s practice can come at the expense of building strong client relationships. 

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