Go-To Guide:
  • The comment period on the proposed FAR Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Rule closes Monday, March 17, 2025.
  • To date, filed comments demonstrate core concerns, including the difficulty of complying with the eight-hour incident reporting requirement for potential CUI incidents or mismarked CUI.
  • The FAR Council may issue the final rule later this year after adjudicating submitted comments and a 90-day Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs review period.
  • Once the rule is finalized, government contractors performing work for any government agency who receive CUI must implement the security controls in NIST SP 800-171.

Despite the potentially sweeping impact of the proposed FAR CUI Rule (Proposed Rule), less than 30 comments have been filed to date during the comment period, which ends March 17, 2025. The FAR Council will adjudicate each of these comments, and any additional ones submitted by the deadline, before issuing the final rule, which may be expedited given the relatively low number of submissions.

The long-awaited Proposed Rule, published on Jan. 15, 2025, would implement the final piece of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)’s Federal Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program, which dates back to 2010.

As we previously covered in a January 2025 GT Alert, the Proposed Rule would standardize cybersecurity requirements for all federal contractors and subcontractors and implement NARA’s policies under 32 CFR part 2002. The Proposed Rule would also introduce new procedures, including reporting and compliance obligations, and define roles and responsibilities for both the government and contractors who handle CUI.

Commenters Express Common Concerns and Themes

Commenters expressed many of the same concerns, and the submitted comments correspond to common themes.

Other Concerns Raised

Some commenters have requested further guidance on how to handle legacy records and information that might have been previously designated as For Official Use Only (FOUO), a designation that is no longer utilized, and how those records would be marked under the CUI framework. Other comments request more guidance on how CUI would be identified, especially for small business concerns. While these are important considerations, they are likely outside of the current rulemaking’s scope, which arises under Title 48 of the CFR (the acquisition regulation). The Proposed Rule implements NARA’s CUI Program, which is separately described under 32 CFR part 2002, and which codified a standardized approach to designating, handling, and safeguarding CUI.

Additionally, some comments seek an extension of the public comment period. Given that the comment period remained in effect during the new administration’s regulatory freeze pending review, it appears unlikely that a continuance will be granted, and the 60-day comment period may close as scheduled.

Interested contractors should submit their comments on the Proposed Rule by March 17, 2025. Given the relatively few comments received, the adjudication process may be quicker than originally anticipated. The FAR Council may issue the final rule in 2025, with standardized cybersecurity standards for all federal contractors and subcontractors going into effect and the clauses included in contracts by year end or early 2026.

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