Elizabeth Burnett, a law student at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in New York, said that she didn’t know she would one day need a hard hat, safety glasses, and steel-toed boots for her job. Burnett is a partner at Robins Kaplan LLP. Her litigation practice focuses on high-stakes products liability and commercial and disaster cases. Many of these are triggered by explosions involving natural gas or combustible dust. Burnett represents plaintiffs as well as defendants, including product makers, plant owners, and subrogated property insurances. Burnett also dedicates a portion her practice to recovering damages for victims of explosions or fires.

Burnett became a licensed attorney after she had worked as a summer associate for Robins Kaplan. Burnett describes it as a place that has supported her professional growth. The firm has been incredibly supportive of me throughout the years. I was fortunate to have great mentors, attorneys who were deeply invested in me. I have also benefited from investments made outside of the firm in me. My most treasured relationship was with the in-house counsel of one of our clients. I have had tremendous opportunities and she has helped me navigate some inflection points of my career and life, such as starting a family and working full-time and my transition to partner.

Burnett was promoted to firm partner in 2018 and recently, she was appointed co-chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. “Development, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is buzzing in the legal industry. I am excited about the various initiatives we are working on. Our fall program, for example, just started with the business development team providing tailored, targeted training and coaching to attorneys from historically underrepresented groups. Associates will learn new skills and be given additional training to improve their chances of success as lawyers. We like to think we are in the talent business and that investing in our lawyers is a wise decision.

Burnett also serves her second term on the board of Minnesota Women Lawyers.

Burnett is a partner and a woman partner. She enjoys helping others achieve their professional aspirations and mentoring them. Burnett is particularly interested in helping women and men transition when they have children. Many are moving up to senior associate ranks or partnership ranks simultaneously. It can be stressful and hectic, so I try to help them find their way as parents or working professionals.

She adds that “having a spouse who supports this work is a huge part of being successful.” My husband does an amazing job with that.

Burnett hopes that the COVID remote methods will bring about lasting changes in how attorneys see their work. It’s becoming more common to allow people more flexibility. Firm culture is constantly evolving. Looking back at the past couple of years and the current situation, it is clear that we are constantly trying to invent and adapt to the difficult problems our clients face. Despite the difficulties of the pandemic, the team persevered and, in many ways, it brought people closer to one another.

Burnett says she is motivated, hopeful, and energized because Robins Kaplan has hired diverse talent from law school and the following clerkships. “I’m excited to welcome in such talented associates, and call them friends, and hopefully partners. It is my honor to support those who are rising through the ranks.

The post Elizabeth Burnett – Rewriting the Odds – DEI in Action was first published on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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