In the United States, the average American has had their first drink since they were 17. The problem of underage drinking is a serious one in our society. We need to learn more about it.

This isn’t just a problem for your health. Teen drinking is an offense and one of many legal issues that can be linked to it. Criminal problems only add to the problem.

Some might argue that teenagers rebel but the consequences of underage drinking are very serious for society and individuals. In this article, we’ll talk about the negative consequences of underage alcohol.

Neurological Effects

The brain’s effects of alcohol are not psychological but neurological. Alcohol alters the brain, changing brain structures and making some effects permanent.

Brain scans of teenage boys reveal that they are less likely to develop white matter. White matter refers to nerves in the brain that are still developing.

What does white matter actually do? And what happens when it is damaged? There are many things that white matter does. Drinking excessive amounts of white matter can affect learning and memory. This can lead to a decreased ability to concentrate, difficulty remembering information, or even intellectual deficiencies.

Problems with The Law

While there’s no way to predict if a teenager will drink, there are significant risks. The same reason alcohol is appealing and dangerous is that it can make us more impulsive.

It’s easier to act on impulse than it is to do many things. Maybe there is someone at work or school you are interested in but are afraid to speak to. Perhaps you have a talent you want to share with the world, but are afraid of being on stage.

It also makes it difficult to understand the consequences of our actions. The results can often be devastating. Statistics show that alcohol is responsible for 25% of all assaults and a third of all rapes.

Driving Drunk

Drunk driving is a major legal issue that deserves special attention. In 2015, statistics showed that there were more than 120 million drunk driving cases per year. Studies have also shown that around 17% of drunk driving cases involve underage drinking.

This means that there are more than 20 million drunk drivers under the age of 21 in any given year. Even if a teenager isn’t drunk and causes an accident, there is still the possibility of them being pulled over and facing a DUI charge.

It’s not difficult to get help for first-offense DUI charges. There are many great lawyers who will help you. Click the link to learn more about Alabama’s top lawyers.

Teen Alcoholism

Teen alcoholism is an issue that isn’t often discussed when it comes to teenage drinking. The more severe the effects of alcohol will be, the younger you become when you begin to drink. This is manifested in a higher likelihood of dependence for those who start drinking at a younger age.

This is evident in society. The early-mid-20s are the most alcoholic age across all age groups.

Alcohol Poisoning

Binge drinking, or the consumption of a large amount of alcohol in a short time span, is a hallmark of alcoholism. Teens are more vulnerable to binge drinking than adults because they are often less mature and smaller.

Binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal. Alcohol poisoning can appear to be nothing more than a drunken state with symptoms such as confusion and vomiting. If the individual continues to drink, the symptoms can get worse, which can make the problem even more serious.

Call 911 if a person starts breathing less or becomes blue. Seizures, lowered body temperatures, and unconsciousness are all things to watch out for. These situations are critical and should be treated immediately. Alcohol poisoning can lead to death if it is not treated quickly.

Physical Health Issues

Alcoholism can cause many problems that aren’t immediately apparent. Heavy drinking can cause problems with circulation over time. This includes high blood pressure and an increased risk for stroke or heart attack.

It is also known to be a carcinogen. This means that alcohol has been linked with many types of cancer. Although the exact cause of cancer remains unknown, alcohol can alter the body in a number of ways that increase your risk for developing it. It can cause organ damage and alter hormone levels.

It can also alter the DNA structure and cause cells to change in some ways. The loss of reproductive control is one negative mutation that cells can pick up. If our cells cannot stop reproducing, they can become too numerous times and cause a tumor.

Underage drinking

Underage drinking and general drinking can have serious consequences. Alcohol can cause many problems, including addiction, conduct issues, and violations of the law.

Some of these have been discussed here. However, entire books have been written about the consequences of underage drinking. We could not possibly cover all of it in this article. Therefore, we recommend that you do further research if you are interested.

Read the other articles on this site to learn more about lawyers.

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