Miguel Custodio Jr., Vineet dubey: The Heroes at the 25th Floor

Some heroes don’t wear capes and leap high buildings in one bound. Others perform valiant acts subtly in stylish suits and ties, and ride elevators. But, there is one thing that all heroes have in common: they are willing to help those who can’t protect themselves.

This second version includes the founding partners at Custodio & Dubey LLP in downtown Los Angeles. Vineet and Miguel Custodio Jr. share a long, rich history. They first met in law school at UCLA.

What is so remarkable about two highly successful lawyers with luxurious downtown offices? Both Custodio & Dubey are able to relate to people in our community that may not have a lot of education, money or a good grasp of English. They also understand how justice favors those who are wealthy and educated, as well as native U.S. citizens. They will fight for their clients on a contingency fee basis, so that money does not have to be a barrier to full justice.


The Shared Outlook

It is not accidental that the men have similar worldviews and ethics. The pair quickly realized how much they shared, including the fact that they were first-generation children of immigrants.

Custodio says, “You might think we come from nontraditional backgrounds for lawyers.” “Unlike many of our classmates, we weren’t from families with a history as lawyers. My parents came from Guatemala. My mom was only able to complete third grade and my dad only ninth grade. My parents taught me perseverance, hard work, discipline and hard work despite this. My family was able to give me many firsts, including being the first to graduate highschool, college, and law school. My family is very dear to me and that keeps me grounded.

Miguel Custodio Jr.

Dubey says that his parents immigrated from India to the United States. They arrived in the 1970s to continue my father’s education. They then moved to Clinton, Mississippi, where he was hired as an engineer. To get me to where I am today, they did everything possible to provide me with opportunities. Many of the immigrant ideals they instilled in me – perseverance, hard work and the importance of family – are American ideals. It wasn’t until much later that I understood it fully, but I have to be respectful of how they adapted to a new culture, language, and country while still trying to provide the best possible for their children. Miguel said that we all see the same values, work ethics, and struggles in our clients. We strive to be the kind of lawyer that we would choose to represent our family members or parents.

He adds, “Looking back, it is clear that I was afforded such an excellent education in public schools, almost one generation after they were integrated.” “If it wasn’t for that, our schools wouldn’t have been integrated, and none of my children – whether they were black, white, or Asian – would have benefited from being in school together. Even back then, I knew that lawyers could have a large impact on society and that is what got me interested in law.

These heroes have the ability to respect their roots and promote diversity within their company. You’ll find people of many cultures and countries in their offices. Marianna Oustinovskaya is an associate from Russia who learned English by watching American television as a teenager. This is a critical factor in their success, as they serve many clients who are from other countries and may not speak fluent English.

Custodio says, “I see mom in a lot our clients.” Custodio says, “If I weren’t an attorney, my mom would believe anything that the attorney said to her.” This is something I always keep in mind when talking with clients, especially those who have limited education, because they trust me and cannot be trusted. They will not be disappointed.”

Everyday Citizens

Both attorneys passed the “BigLaw” interview at UCLA Law School, and were quickly hired by prestigious law firms. However, they soon felt the limitations and lack of satisfaction in the work.

Dubey says, “I believe we both recognized that these corporate culture weren’t for our purposes.” “The clients were primarily large corporations. Miguel and I had very clear visions of what kind of law Miguel wanted to practice. We both saw ourselves as helping the small guy and taking on the large corporations.

Custodio adds, “All our work is contingent.” “Our view is that every citizen should be served. An attorney who works 100 percent contingency is the only way that an everyday citizen can get fair representation in court. Many of these people wouldn’t be able have their day in court.

Vineet Dubey

These were the reasons why they decided to join forces. Both had started solo practices, Custodio family law and Dubey civil plaintiff law. They had remained friends after they left UCLA, so it was natural that their conversations would sometimes turn to current cases. This allowed them to exchange ideas and compare their experiences.

Custodio says, “I had been working in a very prestigious and high-end family law office on the West Side that handles high net worth celebrity divorces and cases.” I was born in Los Angeles and raised there. I knew people who were familiar with my family and asked me if I could handle civil cases. After two years of working in a family law firm, I realized that I was better equipped to serve Latinos by going out on my own.

He adds, “Then, Vineet was alone, and we decided that maybe it could be possible to join forces.” “We were initially just referring each others cases or consulting until it became clear that we needed to make it official. It was our first case, and things just sort of grew from there.”

Dubey began his career in real estate law before 2008’s housing crisis. He then started to look at other options.

He says, “For a time I worked as a solo practitioner before moving downtown to a firm that did employment law for the plaintiff side.” I gained a wide range of experience in civil litigation. After about three to four years, I decided that I wanted to go out on my own. Miguel had already made the move six months before I did. I received some great advice from him to help me launch my business, but we kept in touch.”

Growing and moving up

It was 10 years ago. While Custodio & Dubey’s elegant offices are far more modern, their first address was a Pasadena space.

Dubey says that it was one room and there were only two desks, a printer, and that’s all. Miguel and I did everything. We handled the intake, we were our own receptionists and paralegals. Anything that came through our doors, we dealt with together. This is how we started, and cases began to come in through hard work and some luck.

They experienced steady growth, which led to them moving into larger office spaces. However, this time they chose downtown Los Angeles.

Custodio states that it took three years, but they were excited because it was downtown. They made it! Although it was small, we felt that the location indicated our growth. A year later, we moved into a larger space with three offices and a conference room.

He adds, “We were pretty happy with ourselves,” and chuckles. “That was also when we hired our first employee.”

Two more moves later, the firm’s rapid expansion saw it take over a large office at Union Bank Plaza. It featured floor-to-ceiling windows, elegant architecture and stylish furnishings.

Custodio says, “It’s incredible how great it feels to actually feel how physically you are growing.” It’s one thing knowing you have a lot of clients and that your case load is increasing, but it’s quite another to be able to see the signs of your success visually and to know that your offices are larger to accommodate growing staff.

He adds, “Moving into this office was really important.” “We are on the 25th floor with amazing views. Clients come in impressed when we’re there. They are always snapping pictures and posting them to social media.

Learn from the ground up

It wasn’t only the office space that was growing and improving. Both lawyers believe that they can relate to their staff better because they were able to fulfill all the roles in a busy firm during their early years.

Custodio says, “I believe it’s an assumption many attorneys and other small business owners have about the need to hire staff instantly.” It is smart business to keep your company small until you can afford to hire employees. Vineet and my approach to the matter, having done everything themselves, helps you to better understand each job and appreciate it. How can you effectively manage your employees if the job isn’t something you’ve done?

The types and sizes of the cases they are involved in have increased exponentially. A $35 million settlement was one of the most recent cases.

Custodio says, “This case took four years to finally resolve.” It was a case that involved a young woman who had suffered a serious brain injury. She will be forever changed by the events of this case. We knew that we would have to be aggressive and persistent due to the complexity and devastation of the case.

Custodio & Dubey worked together with top personal injury firms in California, including Nick Rowley, Courtney Rowley, at Trial Lawyers for Justice Carpenter & Zuckerman and The Simon Law Group.

Custodio says, “You must realize that it doesn’t just affect this poor woman’s life but also her husband, children and extended family.” She is now able receive the high-quality medical care that she needs for the rest her life thanks to this settlement.

Custodio can’t help but think about his family as he helps clients who are facing such terrible tragedies.

He says, “It helps you realize that life is irrevocable and can end or change in an instant.” It’s vital that you show your loved ones how much they mean to you every day, because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Custodio, who lost his father four years ago has been more vigilant in taking care of his mother, 76. Custodio not only visits his mother regularly, but also makes sure she goes to her doctor appointments and helps her shop.

He says that they have been close “always” but that “especially since the loss of my father, I am even more grateful for the time with my mom.”

Dubey spends his time outside the courtroom with Ritu and their sons Vaughn, and Reeve.

He smiles and says, “It’s very busy in our lives.” “The days are long but the years are brief and my wife is trying to enjoy and appreciate caring for our boys as much as possible. I can’t believe that our oldest is almost five years old and our youngest is only two and a quarter.”

You don’t have to do that job, so how will you be able manage your employees effectively if you don’t know what the duties are?

Upward Trajectory

Custodio & Dubey remain true to their mission of being the advocates and defenders for the “little guy” as their company grows. They are determined to keep their personal attention to each client, no matter how large they get.

Custodio says, “As soon a client contacts me they are assigned a Case Manager and meet with an Attorney either in person or via Zoom so they can get all their questions answered and feel that we are invested in their case.”

Custodio and Dubey have a reputation for being dedicated to protecting the everyday citizen, from the small office in Pasadena up to the 25th floors of a downtown LA skyscraper.

Dubey says, “It is a profession that we are proud of and work which positively impacts people’s life.”

His partner adds, “The sky is the limit.” “We are on an upward trajectory, but we won’t sacrifice service for growth.”

A Glance

Custodio & Dubey LLP

445 S. Figueroa St,

Suite 2520

Los Angeles, CA 90071

(213) 593-9095


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Vineet Dubey


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Miguel Custodio Jr.


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The post Miguel Custodio Jr. & Vinet Dubey – The Heroes at the 25th Floor appeared originally on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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