After being struck by a car, a 15 year old bicyclist suffered serious injuries last week in Las Vegas. Safety on the roads is everyone’s responsibility. However, we want to help you and your teens ride safely. We share our top tips for teens on bicycle safety and talk about what to do if they are injured by a motorist.

We hope that the following discussion will help your teen to be safe on two-wheels. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney if your teen is injured in a Las Vegas bicycle accident. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help protect your teen’s rights and ensure that they get maximum compensation. Call Anthem Injury Lawyers (702) 857-6600 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Top Safety Tips for Teens on Bicycles

All of us want our teens to be safe whether they’re riding, walking, or driving bikes. Talking to teens about bicycle safety is one of the best ways for them to be safe riding bicycles. Keep these top tips in mind when talking to teens about bicycle safety.

Wear a Helmet

Your teen should always wear a helmet when riding a bike. Even if your child is just riding around the neighborhood, talk to them about wearing a helmet. 85% can be reduced by using a helmet on a bicycle.

Let your teen choose their helmet. This will encourage helmet use. This will allow them to choose a helmet that suits their taste and is fashionable. Make sure that the helmet fits correctly and conforms to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) standards. The helmet should have a certification label. Refer to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for guidance on fitting of a helmet.

A Bike That Fits

Teenagers can grow in a matter of hours. You should make sure that your teen’s bike fits properly. Adjust the bicycle to fit your teenager. Don’t let your teen ride a bike that is too small or too large.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers the following guidelines on how to adapt a bicycle to.

Keep the Bike

A bicycle needs regular maintenance just like a car. Teach your teen how you will maintain your bicycle. The following are some examples:


Your teen can ride a bike without a helmet. Encourage your teen’s to bike-safe clothing. Avoiding accidents by wearing clothing designed for biking is important. Wearing appropriate clothing means wearing tight fitting clothes and keeping your shoelaces tied.

Safety can also be affected by the clothes your teen wears. Bright and reflective clothing can make it easier for your teen to see their bike. This is particularly important for teens who ride in low visibility or dark conditions.

Be Visible

Your teen’s visibility on the bicycle can also be enhanced by wearing clothing. These are some other ways your teen can improve their visibility:

Night Visibility Increased

Your teen should take extra precautions if they plan to ride in the dark. To stand out, encourage your teen wear reflectors on his or her clothing.

Nevada Revised Statute 484B.783(1) requires that every bicycle used at night be equipped with the following:

For more information on the requirements, please refer to the statute.

Check for Bicycleability

Your teen can have fun riding a bike. Some areas may be more bikeable than other. Bikeable communities are safe places for bicyclists. Encourage your teen and other teens to seek out safe routes that aren’t clogged with traffic. Ride with your teen on a bicycle to discover alternative routes that are less dangerous than the current ones.


Distractions can be dangerous. Your teen must be attentive while riding their bike. Talk with your teen about how important it is to pay attention while riding. While riding, they should not use their phones or listen to music. These distractions can make your teen less attentive and less able to see approaching cars.

An experienced bicycle accident lawyer should be consulted if a driver causes injury to your teen’s bicycle. The experienced team at Anhem Injury Lawyers will help you protect your teen’s rights, and get you the personal injury settlement you deserve. Call Anthem Injury Lawyers (702) 857-6600 to schedule a complimentary consultation.

The Rules of the Road

Nevada has many laws that are applicable to bicyclists. These laws are in place to ensure everyone is safe. Talk to your teen about Nevada’s bicycle laws so that they know what they should do when they ride. Discuss proper hand- and arm signals with your teen. Do you know Nevada’s Bicycle Laws?

What should your teenager do if a driver hits them on a bicycle?

A driver can injure even the most experienced bicyclist. Talk to your teenager about what you should do if a driver causes injury on a bike. These are our top tips:


We wish your teen a safe ride on their bicycle. Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney if your teen is injured by a driver in a Las Vegas bicycle accident. Many people are unsure why they need a personal lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will aggressively protect your teen’s rights, and ensure that your teen gets maximum compensation for his or her injuries. We are located in Henderson, Nevada and provide services to clients all over the Las Vegas region. We mean more than 25 years of personal injury experience when we say that we offer it. This combination of expertise and knowledge is what your teen will need to win substantial compensation as a victim of a Las Vegas bicycle accident. Call Anthem Injury Lawyers at (702) 857 6000 today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

The post Have you talked to your teenager about bike safety? was first published on ANTHEM INDJURY LAWYERS.

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