How To Prepare For Your First Meeting With A DUI Attorney

Facing a DUI charge can be a stressful experience.
Defending Sexual Assault Allegations

False accusations bring lasting devastation: Inside the world of criminal defence. An Interview with Marcus Johnstone This week, Lawyer Monthly had the opportunity to talk with Marcus Johnstone, a UK criminal defence solicitor with over 20 years of experience. Marcus started off as a senior lecturer in law and politics but in his heart, he […]
What Do DUI Lawyers Do And Why Do You Need One?

Navigating the complexities of the legal system following a DUI charge can be daunting and overwhelming.
Two years since the Ukraine-Russia war began

It has been two years since the first Russian invasion into Ukraine and the fighting continues with no end in sight. With both Ukraine and Russia continuing their battle and urging for more weaponry, the negotiations have reached a worrying stalemate.
The Impact of Social Media on Criminal Defense Cases

Social media has become a constant presence in the world today. While it has many positives, it can negatively impact a criminal case.
Fraud Cases Are On The Rise

Reported cases rose by 18% and high value cases which are those over £50m rose by 60% in 2023. The Crime Survey of England and Wales has found the estimated cost of fraud to society is £6.8 billion.
Understanding Your Rights: Navigating Illegal Vehicle Repossession in Texas

If you miss a car payment or are late in paying one, your lender has the right to repossess your vehicle according to your contract.
What is Domestic and Sexual Violence?

Domestic and sexual violence are pervasive issues that impact millions worldwide, often occurring behind closed doors yet leaving deep, lasting scars.
Things You Need to Know When Hiring a Criminal Defence Attorney

Criminal defence is going through a lot of scrutiny at the moment.
Criminal Defence Strategies: Building Strong Cases in the American Legal Landscape

The American legal landscape, with its intricate laws and complex procedural nuances, presents a daunting challenge for those embroiled in the criminal justice system.
Should You Challenge a Red Light Camera Tickets?

Red light cameras are traffic enforcement tools installed for public safety.
Working Effectively with Your Cincinnati Criminal Defense Attorney

Overcoming criminal charges can bring a great sense of relief.