Elon Musk offers to sue on behalf of users fired for tweets

Elon Musk has said that X Corp will sue on behalf of users who have been ‘treated unfairly’ by employers for posting or liking something on Twitter.
Construction health and safety violations can have legal consequences

Health and safety should be a serious consideration in any industry.
California workers win victory after court rules against Uber

The highest court in California has ruled that Uber must face a lawsuit claiming that it should have covered work-related expenses for UberEats drivers.
Plan for Succession in Families with Businesses

Estate planning is a difficult subject for many families, often laden with emotional challenges and issues of communication.
Employment Law and Workers’ Comp Challenges – Working with PEOs

Professional employment organisations, or ‘PEOs’, offer many benefits to client companies through the utilisation of its employees’ expertise.
Failed Hireright background check: Understand the consequences and your options

If you’re a job seeker, the last thing you want is to have a failed background check.
Explore Wage and Hour Disputations in California

The regulation of wages and hours is one of the foundational aspects of employment law, and one that often gives rise to disputes levied at employers.
What would you do in the event of an injury at work?

It’s impossible to predict where or when an accident will occur, even in the most secure settings, including the workplace.
Top signs of workplace bullying

We examine some of the top signs of workplace bullying.
Workers’ Compensation in Chicago – A Comprehensive Guide

Chicago, the third most populous city in the United States, has a thriving workforce of over 4 million workers.
The Intersection of Law with the Economic Calendar – Understanding the Legal Consequences of Economic Data Releases

The intersection of law and the economic calendar is an area of growing importance, particularly as economic data plays an increasingly influential role in shaping legal and regulatory decisions.
As an employer, you have a number of legal obligations.

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, being an employer comes with its fair share of responsibilities.