The Government rejects calls to reform the law for cohabiting partners
The UK government’s rejection of recommended reforms for cohabitation law has met with criticism from the Women and Equalities Committee.
What should you call your law firm? It can be trademarked
When starting a law firm, you must first tackle the daunting question of what to call it.
As long as law firms have been in existence, many lawyers have preferred to simply use their names. Recently, some firms have taken a more brand-oriented approach by adopting descriptive or suggestive terms as their names. Both approaches are viable and have their respective merits and limitations.
Five Thoughts that Your Client Shared with You During Your Intake Meeting
As an attorney, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Your prospective clients need help. If they don’t think you can provide it, they will go to someone else. With this in mind, you need to make sure your intake meetings go well, and this starts with seeing the meeting from the client’s point of view.
Are you making cuts? What are the Best Ways to Cut Back?
Going paperless is attractive to law firms for a variety of different reasons. It’s better for the environment, most clients prefer it, it reduces storage costs and it can make your firm more efficient on a day-to-day basis..