Religious Liberty Clinic Students Argue Two Ninth Circuit Appeals

In a span of two months, Religious Liberty Clinic students presented supervised oral argument for clients in two cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The […]
Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation

Divorce is never an easy journey. It’s a complex process filled with emotional turmoil and significant legal considerations. While the end of a marriage can be disheartening, the way you choose to navigate the legal separation can significantly impact your overall experience. Two primary paths exist for resolving divorce-related issues: mediation and litigation. Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and understanding them is crucial for making an informed decision that suits your specific needs and circumstances.
Google In Court

Google faces multiple lawsuits for anticompetitive behaviour and whilst denying all claims against them could face various consequences.
Arbitration in France

As an independent practitioner, Dr. Kodo has acted as co-arbitrator in Investor-State disputes and as sole arbitrator and counsel in commercial and construction disputes. In 2021, as a Consultant for the Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility (co-funded by the European Union, the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für […]
Scotland’s Hate Law bill and the named opposition

The Scottish Police reported that they receive at least 3800 hate-crime complaints in the law’s first 3 days.
Litigation Explained: What It Really Means in Personal Injury Cases

If you were recently injured by another person’s negligent actions, you may be filing a personal injury case.
Managing Complex Business Litigation: Strategies and considerations for modern enterprises

What do you need to consider when navigating complex business litigation?
Should You Challenge a Red Light Camera Tickets?

Red light cameras are traffic enforcement tools installed for public safety.
Toronto Business Litigation Tips:

Launching a business litigation in Toronto, Canada, can be a complex process.
Legal Trends of 2024

The legal landscape for 2024 brings growth to many sectors along with certain concerns seeping in too.
The Art of Resolving Disputs: A Journey through the World of Litigation

Welcome to the intriguing realm of litigation, where disputes find their voice, and justice is sought through the hallowed halls of the legal system.
What you should know about trust litigation cases

Trust litigation cases can be some of the most complex matters one can face in a court of law.