Get into the World of Tech Start-Ups and Investments In Turkey

We hear exclusive insight into Figopara’s $11 million investment round and expertise surrounding Turkey’s latest tech start-ups and investments.
Supreme Court Rules Northern Ireland Protocol is Lawful

The UK Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to UK-EU trade arrangements by unionist leaders.
Five Trends for the Scottish Legal Market in 2023

In keeping with our broader look at legal sector trends in 2023, Morton Fraser partner Richard McMeeken takes a focused look at the legal market in Scotland.
A Guide to the Procedure of the Swiss Public Prosecutor

Swiss criminal prosecution contains many particularities that set it apart from peer nations.
Medical Malpractices and Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda equina syndrome is a disorder with extreme consequences for its victims especially if a healthcare provider fails to diagnose or treat this disorder.
Swiss Wills and Amendments to the Law of Inheritance

The new year has begun with a significant development in Swiss estate law, as its century-old law of inheritance has undergone a revision.
French and International Property and Tax Matters for 2023

French real estate and tax law can be a multifaceted subject, relying on tax structures that are distinct from peer nations.
Post-Brexit Restructuring Proceedings – What are the Implications For Luxembourg?

The effects of Brexit have had seismic consequences for all aspects of law, not just in the UK but in Europe more widely.
What are the legal complexities in building envelope consulting?

The construction industry today faces a broad range of challenges, still contending with losses created by the COVID-19 pandemic and parallel economic factors.
Five scenarios that require legal help

Legal support is an invaluable asset when it comes to scenarios in life ranging from starting a business to facing criminal charges.
AI Generators Sued for Copyright Infringement

A group of visual artists has sued AI companies Stability AI, Midjourney and DeviantArt, adding to a recent wave of IP litigation against AI tools.
Understanding the Divorce Process

Did you know that 2.3 people out of 1,000 go through a divorce in the United States?