What is the key to effective post-COVID mediation?

Even as mediation grows in popularity as an alternative to costly litigation, there remain various barriers to even greater uptake in the wider legal sector.
The Biggest Legal Stories in 2022

As this most recent year comes to a close, Lawyer Monthly rounds up the biggest and most impactful cases of the preceding months.
Are Top Lawyers Top Leaders?

How can firms act to fix the phenomenon of toxic high-earning lawyers in a way that benefits the whole team?
Gaming Law and Canada’s Indigenous Peoples

The gaming industry in Canada has brought significant revenue to the provinces and created thousands of jobs, often from the efforts of Indigenous peoples.
Fraud: Moving the Needle

Awareness of fraud and willingness to combat it do not lead to practicable change on their own, and many entities today are unknowingly vulnerable as a result.
California Employment Law and Retroactivity Dangers

Wide-reaching changes in employment law are important to all businesses in the US, because they must continually ensure their compliance with new requirements.
A Close Look at Expungement

Expungement and other methods of criminal record elimination provide a vital role in allowing their recipients a fresh start at life.
A Life with an International Immigration Lawyer

Afshin Yazdani is a Toronto-based immigration lawyer whose career has taken him across the world and demanded multiple fresh starts.
The Essentials of Estate Planning: For Women

Estate planning provides a vital benefit to anyone who engages with it, but is often particularly important for women, who are often primary caregivers.
2023’s challenges for French retailer-supplier negotiations

Annually, French retailers and their suppliers are required to negotiate and agree upon pricing arrangements for the year to come.
A Call Centre: How your Legal Firm can Benefit

Every business owner wants their business to grow and thrive, and law firms are no different.
What does the Register of Overseas Entities have to do with your firm?

The Register of Overseas Entities (the “Register”) has been introduced by the UK government as a strategic way to fight economic crime.