Benefits of Hiring A Wrongful Death Attorney

Legal recourse may be available to you or a family member in the event of a wrongful death. No amount of money will reimburse for the loss of a loved one, but pursuing justice may help alleviate some of the suffering.
Top 5 Trademark Disputes of All Time

McDonald’s recently lost an EU trademark fight which for now, ends a long-running legal dispute between Irish chain Supermac’s and global fast food giant McDonald’s. Supermac’s, a small Irish takeaway chain, emerged victorious in a legal battle against McDonald’s regarding the Big Mac trademark. This success now allows Supermac’s to expand its presence by opening outlets […]
Trial Lawyers Fight to Protect Individuals from Abuse

The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization, RAINN, states it clearly: everyone is affected by sexual violence.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Expert Witness – Stuart G Levy, PhD

Please introduce yourself to the readers of Lawyer Monthly & what is your professional background and education? Hello there, I am Stuart Levy, a chemistry and chemistry, manufacturing, and controls consultant to the biotech and Pharma industry, based in Arlington, MA, a “collar suburb” very close to Cambridge and Boston. I am a sole-proprietor, independent consultant, with 29 years of industrial experience […]
The Dental Expert Witness – Professor Paul Tipton

When did you start proving expert opinion (medico-legal) reports and evidence and how did this come about? I started in 1987 and was asked by a physiotherapist to help with an accident report where there had been dental injuries. I have been involved in Expert Witness work ever since. In my role as a lecturer, […]
Litigation and Dispute Resolution in Brazil

How common is commercial litigation as a method of resolving high value complex disputes in Brazil? Litigation remains the predominant method for resolving commercial disputes in Brazil. This preference can be attributed to its cost-effectiveness, a well-established appellate system, and the creation of specialized courts dedicated to Business Law issues in regions experiencing high demand, […]
Expert Evidence In Clinical Negligence Litigation

Introduction I am Nicholas Vyner Todd. I am a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon. I retired from the NHS in 2011 and from private practice in 2014. I continue to work in academic neurosurgery in personal injury and medical negligence litigation as an expert witness. My undergraduate training was at Guys Hospital. My postgraduate training […]
Family Law in Germany

Please introduce yourself to the readers of Lawyer Monthly. We are specialized lawyers for family law and partners of the law firm Pilati + Fritz Rechtsanwälte. For many years, we have passionately defended the rights and interests of our clients, particularly in complex and often emotionally stressful matters involving family law. With our extensive experience […]
Biomechanical Engineering and Personal Injury

Dr. Thomas Jenkyn, PhD, PEng at TLS Forensic, London, ON uses advanced collision stimulation to evaluate and reconstruct different accidents along with offering injury analysis. Lawyer Monthly recently caught up with Dr. Thomas to explain… Many thanks for taking the time to talk with Lawyer Monthly Dr. Thomas. Firstly could you provide our readers with […]
Intellectual property in Venezuela

What different types of intellectual property rights exist to protect, inventions, brands and other creations, technology, and proprietary interests in Venezuela? Since Venezuela withdrew from the Andean Community in 2006, intellectual property rights are regulated by the Industrial Property Law of 1955 (implemented in 1956), which provides protection for trademarks, patents and commercial names and […]
Exploring Franchise Law in Switzerland

On January 1, 2022, a modification of the Federal Act on Cartels and Other Restraints of Competition entered into force in Switzerland (Cartel Act), introducing the concept of relative market power. The purpose of this contribution is to analyse those modifications and discuss their possible impacts on franchise relationships. It will focus on the right […]
Enhancing Firm Culture with Strategic Employee Recognition

You may find merit and fitness to be fast becoming clouded with tech-savvy characters in almost all work sectors. People, not only the new employees, have become so changeable-minded that companies are losing not only the best people but also the cost of these personnel evolutions.