Supreme Court Decision Narrows Jurisdiction of Federal Government over Wetlands
Supreme Court Retains High Bar on Diligent Prosecution Defense in Clean Water Act Citizen Suits
What you need to know about selling your house legally

Selling a house is a transaction that involves various legal considerations.
Two Supreme Court justices believe that Congress has a limited ability to amend the Clean Water Act
Supreme Court Issues Decision in Sackett v. EPA Rolling Back Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Over Certain Wetlands
Three Tips on How to Choose a Free Quit Claims Deed

When you’re ready to move out of your current home, it’s essential to know how to properly transfer ownership of the property.
Court Affirms Order Holding That Party Had Mental Capacity To Execute Contracts Regarding The Sale Of Real Property
Paolo Aliatis: Business is not for the faint-heartedÂ

Paolo Aliatis started in business in London during the most tumultuous of times; during the Financial Crisis.
CFPB issues guidance to protect homeowners from zombie mortgages
Restrictive Covenants in Real Estate – Next Target for Antitrust Enforcement?
Protecting your wealth in the Cook Islands

The Cook Islands have emerged as a significant jurisdiction in the asset protection landscape. What does it have to offer HNWIs?