The Solicitors’ Charity Big Report Highlights 50% Rise in Support Last Year

New statistics revealed in The Solicitors’ Charity Big Report have highlighted a number of striking facts about support for legal professionals during 2022.
Protecting your wealth in the Cook Islands

The Cook Islands have emerged as a significant jurisdiction in the asset protection landscape. What does it have to offer HNWIs?
Luxembourg Bond Restructuring

Boasting one of the world’s most high-profile stock exchanges, Luxembourg and its legal system are often the backdrop for large bond restructuring processes.
The UK Government has mandated divorce mediation

Under new plans, separating couples in England and Wales will be required to seek mediation before attending court in a bid to ease demand for courts.
The UK Government’s Illegal Immigration Bill Requires Legal Pushback

The government’s plan to stop the “waves of illegal migrants breaching our borders” through a legislaative crackdown on new arrivals has led to widespread concerns.
What are the advantages of legal apprenticeships?

While the most typical route taken to arrive at a job in the legal sector is via a university degree, there are alternative methods available.
The Threshold of Perversity in Challenging Claims Assignment

The UK Supreme Court’s recent judgment in Lock v Stanley and Another has raised significant implications for the assignment of claims.
Supreme Court Rules Northern Ireland Protocol is Lawful

The UK Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to UK-EU trade arrangements by unionist leaders.
Five Trends for the Scottish Legal Market in 2023

In keeping with our broader look at legal sector trends in 2023, Morton Fraser partner Richard McMeeken takes a focused look at the legal market in Scotland.
Post-Brexit Restructuring Proceedings – What are the Implications For Luxembourg?

The effects of Brexit have had seismic consequences for all aspects of law, not just in the UK but in Europe more widely.
The UK Government will block the Scottish Gender Recognition Bill

In an historic first, the UK government will use its power to veto a Scottish law that will make it easier for transgender people to change their legal gender.
Why are Legal Claims against Insurance Companies on the Rise?

The UK insurance space has experienced several turbulent years, first facing a global health crisis and then a widespread economic downturn.