Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015
Warren Room 295 Berkeley Law Please click here to RSVP
- Korea Law Center, Berkeley Law School
- Korea Legislation Research Institute
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- Steven Davidoff Solomon (Berkeley Law School: How Corporate Governance Is Made: Case of the Golden Leash)
- Kichang (Korea University Law School: “Recent Changes to the Regulatory Landscape For E-Commerce In South Korea”
- Paul M. Schwartz (Berkeley Law School),: “Comparative Contractual Private Law: The U.S.A and the EU”
- Sukham Sung (Directorate for Science Technology and Innovation, OECD): “ICT Laws in Korea: Developments and Current Issues and Projections”
- Anne Joseph O’Connell (Berkeley Law School: “Bureaucracy in the Boundary”)
- Kyungho Chui (Korea Legislation Research Institute). “Issues under the Korean Foreign Legal Consultant Act.”
- Steven Davidoff Solomon :Professor at Berkeley Law School; Codirector, Berkeley Center for Law and Business
- Kichang: Professor at Korea University Law School
- Paul M. Schwartz: Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law, Berkeley Law School; Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Sukham Sung – Policy Analyst, Directorate for Science Technology and Innovation at OECD
- Anne Joseph O’Connell :George Johnson Professor Law
- Kyungho Chui, Research Fellow, Korea Legislation Research Institute
- Seongbae Lim Associate Professor of Information Systems, St. Mary’s University
- YoonHo Alex Lee Associate Professor, USC Gould School of Law
- Sujin Park: Doctor, Korea Maritime Institute
- Robert merges: Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Losati Professor of Law, Berkeley Law School; co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Kangjae Shin – Ministry of National Defense
- Taeku Le Professor of Law, Berkeley
- Thomas JooMartin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law
- John C. Yoo: Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law, Berkeley Law School; Co-Director, Korea Law Center, Berkeley
- Julian W. Park: Lecturer in Law, Berkeley Law School; Research Fellow, Korea Law Center, Berkeley