For a long time, social consumption lounges have been a sort of “White Whale” in the adult-use cannabis industry, murmured about and pursued but rarely spotted. Luckily for us Captain Ahabs, a number of state legislatures have begun taking action on developing a licensing and operational framework for social consumption lounges and cannabis events permitting consumption. The Cannabis Control Commission of Massachusetts issued its proposed rules and licensing structure at the end of 2024 (see Social Consumption Lounges in Massachusetts: Proposed Rules for more information). Most recently at the end of January, Maryland’s house and senate also took action by introducing two complementary bills to establish rules and to regulate the hosting of events permitting cannabis consumption in the Old Line State (Legislation – HB0132 and Legislation – SB0215). Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York have also recently taken steps towards developing and enhancing the social consumption lounge regime in their respective states.

Both Maryland bills remain under review of the respective finance committees, but here is a quick hitter summary on the contents.

As you can see, the proposed bills are quite restrictive, but I choose to view progress as is and take solace in the old adage, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

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