Below is a statement from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) released February 27, 2025 stating it will not take any enforcement action against a Reporting Company that fails to file or update a beneficial ownership information report per the Corporate Transparency Act, pending the release of a new “interim final rule.” FinCEN intends to issue this interim final rule (which will extend the reporting deadline) prior to the current reporting deadline of March 21, 2025. We will continue to monitor for updates. For now, however, failure to file will not result in fines, penalties or any other enforcement actions.
FinCEN Not Issuing Fines or Penalties in Connection with Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Deadlines
Immediate release: February 27, 2025
WASHINGTON –– Today, FinCEN announced that it will not issue any fines or penalties or take any other enforcement actions against any companies based on any failure to file or update beneficial ownership information (BOI) reports pursuant to the Corporate Transparency Act by the current deadlines. No fines or penalties will be issued, and no enforcement actions will be taken, until a forthcoming interim final rule becomes effective and the new relevant due dates in the interim final rule have passed. This announcement continues Treasury’s commitment to reducing regulatory burden on businesses, as well as prioritizing under the Corporate Transparency Act reporting of BOI for those entities that pose the most significant law enforcement and national security risks.
No later than March 21, 2025, FinCEN intends to issue an interim final rule that extends BOI reporting deadlines, recognizing the need to provide new guidance and clarity as quickly as possible, while ensuring that BOI that is highly useful to important national security, intelligence, and law enforcement activities is reported.
FinCEN also intends to solicit public comment on potential revisions to existing BOI reporting requirements. FinCEN will consider those comments as part of a notice of proposed rulemaking anticipated to be issued later this year to minimize burden on small businesses while ensuring that BOI is highly useful to important national security, intelligence, and law enforcement activities, as well to determine what, if any, modifications to the deadlines referenced here should be considered.
Alexander Lovrine and Walter Weinberg contributed to this article.