It is crucial to fully understand the legal process and how to defend yourself against these charges. Vilkhov Law Professional Corporation’s principal lawyer, Igor Vilkhov, has the knowledge and experience to help you defend against sexual interference or sexual touching charges.

What’s Sexual Interference?

The Criminal Code defines sexual interference as touching any part of a person’s body, directly or in indirect, for a sexual purpose. Important to remember that touching must be done with intent and there should not have been any skin-to-skin contact. Touching someone’s clothing, for example, can still be considered sexual interference.

What’s Sexual Touching?

The act of touching any part of a person’s body, directly or in indirect ways, without their consent is called sexual touching. This definition goes beyond sexual interference and covers anyone of any age. Sexual touching can also be used to charge someone who touches another person without their consent.

Possible Defenses Against Sexual Interference and Sexual Touching

Vilkhov Law Professional Corporation’s principal lawyer, Igor Vilkhov, is also the founder. He has the knowledge and experience to help you build the strongest defense against sexual interference or touching charges. Listed below are some of the defenses you may have:

1. Consent: It may be possible to argue the victim consented to being touched in some cases. It is important to remember that consent cannot be given unless the victim is legally capable of giving it.

2. An error: The accused could also claim that they mistakenly believed the victim consented to the touching. This defense is also known as “mistakes of fact”. It can be used if the accused can prove that they believed the victim consented to the touching.

3. No sexual purpose: You can also argue that the touching was not done with a sexual purpose, and therefore is not sexual interference. The accused must prove that the touching was not performed for a sexual purpose.

It is crucial to fully understand the legal process when you are facing charges of sexual interference or sexual touch. Vilkhov Law Professional Corporation’s principal lawyer, Igor Vilkhov, has the knowledge and experience to help you build the strongest defenses against sexual interference and sexual touching. You may be able avoid a conviction by having the right legal representation.

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