Accidents in cars can be traumatizing, and victims are often left shaken. Some injuries may be obvious immediately, while others might not show up for hours or days. If ignored, these delayed symptoms could be dangerous. Here are some common delayed symptoms which require immediate medical attention.


Headaches of various intensities can be caused by the jarring effects of the collision. The victim may suffer from tension headaches or migraines. Cluster headaches are also possible. You should not dismiss persistent headaches as they may indicate an underlying issue, such as traumatic head injury, whiplash or a pinched nervous.

Changes in behavior

After a car crash, changes in behavior are a common delayed symptom that can be surprising and overlooked. It can also be a sign of underlying TBI. The victim may have mood swings, irritability or personality changes, as well as difficulties with concentration, memory and decision-making. These behavioral changes can initially be subtle.

It is important to seek immediate medical attention to ensure that any brain trauma can be accurately diagnosed and treated. This will maximize the chance of recovery, and minimize the long-term effects.

Neck or shoulder pain and stiffness

The sudden jolting motion that occurs during a collision can cause neck or shoulder stiffness and pain. This is due to the strain placed on the muscles and tendons in the area. These symptoms may not be noticed immediately by the victim, but could indicate whiplash, a disc herniation, or other spine damages. The symptoms may worsen over hours or even days. Pain may be a dull ache, or a sharp shooting sensation. Stiffness can limit your range of motion and make it difficult to do simple things like turn the head or lift the arm.

Back Pain

Impact can cause strains or injuries to the muscles of the back, ligaments or vertebrae. After an accident, people may experience persistent pain, which can range from dull aches and tingling to sharp localized pain. It’s important to not dismiss back discomfort because it can be a sign of underlying soft tissue or spinal injuries.


Nerve damage or compression may cause numbness in the extremities, such as the arms, legs, or hands. The symptoms may not be immediately apparent, causing people to ignore its importance. Numbness is not to be dismissed, however, because it can indicate underlying circulation or nerve problems.

A feeling of abdominal pain or swelling

Swelling or abdominal pain may be a sign of internal injuries such as soft tissue or organ damage. A doctor should be consulted if you experience any unusual abdominal sensations, such as swelling or bruising.

Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Psychological effects of trauma can be manifested in many ways. These include changes in behavior and attitude. People may become more irritable or anxious. They might withdraw, as they struggle to cope with the aftermath. They may also show signs of avoidance such as not driving or discussing the accident. These changes in behavior may be a sign of PTSD, which requires medical and psychosocial support.

Contact a Las Vegas car accident lawyer if you or someone close to you has suffered delayed symptoms of a car crash.

The post Delayed Symptoms Following a Car Accident first appeared on Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers.

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