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New York State has some of the most restrictive driving laws in the country. Violating one of these laws can result in a traffic ticket and a potentially expensive fine. Even a minor violation like speeding or running a red light can result in an expensive fine.

In addition, driving in the New Deal era brought new, stringent restrictions on on-road use, making getting your license more difficult. To give drivers time to adjust, so-called ‘pilot programs’ were implemented to test different traffic regulations for a limited time before they were adopted nationally. Today, you can still find pilot programs that are still active today.

Moreover, if you receive a traffic ticket in New York State, you’ll have many options for handling your case. For example, you may not know what offenses, felonies carry, and misdemeanors are until you consult an experienced New York criminal lawyer. However, a traffic ticket could also have serious consequences if not handled appropriately.

Whether as part of your driver’s education course or when you first got your license, you should understand the road rules. So that no one ends up paying the price for your mistake but you. Moreover, you can consult a Feifer & Greenberg, LLP to know your basic rights when you get charged with a traffic ticket. In this article, you will read how a traffic ticket lawyer can help you.

Help you get a New York traffic ticket dismissed.

There are many ways a lawyer can help you get your New York traffic ticket dismissed. The first step is to contact the police that issued the ticket and discuss your options. If you already have a criminal attorney, they may be able to help you.

The next step is to consult with an experienced lawyer who will assess your situation’s gravity. And they will advise you on what actions to take to maximize your chances of getting your ticket dismissed. They will also offer free consultations and an initial review, so you know what to expect before moving forward.

Help you reduce the penalties for traffic tickets.

A New York traffic lawyer can help you reduce the penalties for a New York traffic ticket. It might include getting your ticket dismissed, lowering your points on your license, or reducing the fine and fees you may have to pay. The other option is to request a trial in a court where a judge will decide the case’s outcome.

Most people charged with a traffic violation rely on their driver’s education course when they obtain their license. However, this course only covers basic driving rules and regulations and cannot guarantee that you’ve learned all of them.

Furthermore, when you get pulled over by police, they weren’t aware of everything that has been added to New York State’s driving laws since they last took the course. A New York traffic lawyer knows how to handle these situations and can help you gain more information to make informed decisions about what steps to take next.

Help you fight a New York traffic ticket in court.

New York traffic tickets often get handled through a court date. However, if you have an attorney, they can help you fight the ticket in court. The difference between a New York traffic ticket and other types of cases is that a court date can get scheduled without notice within ten days of receiving your ticket.

The best attorneys will work with you to determine what this means for your case and how you should prepare for it. Many things can happen at a New York traffic ticket court date, but the most common result is that your license will get suspended until the matter gets resolved.

Besides, your attorney can also negotiate with the prosecutor to try and reduce or dismiss the charge altogether. This negotiation is only possible after your case gets filed in court. So it depends on your choice to consult with a Feifer & Greenberg, LLP before submitting any charges against you.

Help you negotiate a plea bargain for a traffic ticket.

Plea bargains are an excellent option for people who receive traffic tickets in New York. There are two types of plea bargains that you may be able to negotiate with a lawyer: a misdemeanor or felony plea bargain. With the aid of your lawyer, you can explore the different options available to you and see which one is right for you.

Help you avoid a New York driver’s license suspension.

Your license could get suspended if you get convicted of a New York traffic ticket. Driving without a license can automatically revoke your driver’s license and the possibility of additional penalties. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you should have an experienced New York criminal lawyer review it before any serious decisions get made.

Moreover, a lawyer can help you avoid serious consequences by pointing out the possible errors that led to the conviction. A lawyer can also help you get your license back after it has been suspended or revoked. The good idea is to make regular payments to prevent losing your driver’s license completely. You may even be able to get the ticket dismissed if you make all required payments on time.

There is no way for drivers not knowledgeable about New York traffic laws to navigate them safely and stay legal from minor violations like the following:

Help you avoid a New York driver’s license revocation

The consequences may be much more serious if you receive a traffic ticket in New York. You will lose your driving privileges for at least one year if your license gets revoked. In addition, once your driver’s license gets suspended, it won’t get reinstated until you have completed an approved driver’s education course.

Moreover, the offense that led to the license revocation could also prevent you from obtaining a job because employers will not accept a license that has been revoked or suspended. Therefore, you must find an experienced New York lawyer as soon as possible if you’ve received a traffic ticket to avoid unnecessary repercussions from the court system.


New York has some of the hard and strictest driving laws and can be especially difficult to navigate, even for people with a license. In addition, a traffic ticket in New York State could result in a fine that could dent your wallet.

Moreover, if you’re unsure how to handle your case, you can contact a Feifer & Greenberg, LLP. They can advise you on what to do next. Do not hesitate to consult them for legal consultation. They can help you navigate the process.

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