Emilia Arutunian, of Gomez Trial Attorneys, was interviewed by Attorney at Law Magazine. Arutunian, who was raised as a Soviet refugee in the United States, shares her story of how the influence of her mother and the appeal to the U.S. justice system led her to pursue a legal career.

AALM How did you start your career as a lawyer?

EA My mom told me that I had three options when my family fled the Soviet Union and came to America. She said, “You can be a lawyer or doctor or you can fail.” She really meant to say doctor or lawyer, but I got it. As a child, I wanted to be an attorney so I could please my parents and earn money. But as I grew older, I became fascinated by the U.S. justice system and developed a deep appreciation for it. I was fascinated by constitutional law and the way that the U.S. justice system protected human rights from an early age. I realized that the U.S. legal system protects human rights better than any other country. When I reached adulthood, I decided I wanted to become a lawyer. I graduated from college with a major, two minors and USD School of Law at the age of 24. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

AALMHow have your experiences as a refugee, and the ethnic and religious persecution you experienced influenced your legal career approach?

EA My personal background and experiences have made me perpetually hunger in every aspect of my life. My family did not speak English when we arrived in the United States. My mother could not even help me with my schoolwork, much less my applications to law or college. I didn’t know any lawyers, either locally or elsewhere. I did not have any family members who were in the legal field. I was also the first member of my family to graduate from college and earn a degree in the United States.

It was extremely difficult to be successful in a system no one that I knew understood. I had to learn every step on my own with the help of some high-school programs that assisted low-income students. As a result, I was fortunate to have met my husband just before I began law school (and we were married a few weeks later, two day before starting law) and he has been my rock through the entire process.

I don’t believe that hardship is a bad thing. It is a condition that we are taught to avoid, but for many, the intensity of their struggles will determine the heights of their success. Struggle breeds hunger.

AALMReview the challenges that employees face today and why you chose to help.

EA In my opinion, life is too short and everyone deserves to have a meaningful, happy life. The majority of people spend the vast majority of their time at work. Everyone deserves to work in an environment that is free from harassment, retaliation and hostility. I want to protect my employees from bad working environments, discrimination and harassment. It’s not because I enjoy it. In fact, each day in my professional career has been a battle of some kind. The feeling of being able to help someone who is down and out makes it all worthwhile. And, I do love a righteous fight.

AALMCould share with us a case or an experience that has reinforced your passion to defend the rights of employees.

EA I work every day with people who feel wronged and are reluctant to speak up for themselves. It is difficult and uncomfortable for most people to speak up about their rights. People are often hesitant to speak up, regardless of how defeated they may feel. It is my job to help victims regain their strength and remind them that they deserve kindness and respect. Many clients approach me with a look that says “I’m defeated” and “I’m exhausted”. They are my favorite memories. I love it when clients thank me for standing up for them.

AALMWhat made you want to join the board of directors of the San Diego Branch Society for Armenian Orphaned Relief (San Diego Branch)? What is the organization’s contribution to humanitarian relief?

EA In many cultures, it is considered taboo to help orphans or people with disabilities. They are often ignored or pushed away. I joined SOAR to raise money and help SOAR gain attention to build structures to help orphans, disabled adults and other vulnerable people in Armenia.

AALM :How do you participate in your local community?

EA I am currently the chair of San Diego County Bar Association Employment Law Division. In addition, I serve on the executive committee of Women Leaders of Gomez Trial Attorneys. I am also a member of the San Diego Lawyer’s Club, and am constantly looking for ways to empower women attorneys and help them achieve their goals.

Our firm is also involved in many local charities and non-profit organizations. Gomez Trial Attorneys’ CEO John Gomez encourages us all to take part in practical events. Our office is full of people who are willing to give their time, no matter the situation.

Our employees donated their time for the Christmas Day Foster Youth Breakfast & Toy Drive. They shopped, wrapped gifts, shoveled snow, and set up the breakfast and served the youth to give them a happy holiday. Recently, we held a professional clothing campaign for veterans applying for jobs or trying to establish their place in civilian society.

AALMHow can you balance your demanding career as a lawyer with your passion for fitness? Would you like to share some tips or routines you use to maintain a healthy life style?

EA My “big secret” lies in planning and preparation. Many people think I am crazy for keeping a routine, but it is effective. I’m usually awake by 3:30 am, answering emails and planning my day up until 4:45 am. Every morning, I do a workout between 5-7 am. Monday through Friday, I combine high intensity interval training with weight training and yoga. I get up at 7:15 am to help my husband prepare the kids for school. I return online around 8:30 am if I work remotely and around 9 am if I work in the office. I work a hybrid work schedule, which means that I am in the office three days per week and at home the other two. This helps me manage my time better and saves me the time of driving to the office. I schedule my meetings in person for the three days that I am at work, and I handle the substantive work and manage the team on the days when I am at home.

I only work a few morning hours while my kids are sleeping every weekend. I avoid evenings as much as I can to spend time with them. Many people think my schedule is crazy, but it’s the only way I can imagine doing things. Every person must make sacrifices when they choose to have both a family life and a career. This voluntary sacrifice for me is my “free-time”, and my “me-time”. I do not watch TV or spend much time on myself, aside from my daily exercise and a manicure/pedi once a few weeks. I prioritize spending time with my kids, because I know the day will arrive when they choose to spend their time with friends instead of me. I make the most of each day. I sometimes burn out and let myself reach rock bottom but I always get back up and continue. I live by the motto “Live Full or Die Empty”.

I cook a lot. We eat at home almost exclusively. To make this work, I take time out twice a week for meal preparation. I prepare meals on Sundays to last from Sunday through Wednesday. While my two-year-old is napping, I prepare a few hours of meals. On Wednesday or Thursday, I will spend an hour after dinner preparing meals for two more days. Because I was raised in a Slavic household, my cooking is entirely from scratch.

AALMHow does being a mom influence your work-life balance, and how do you advocate for family rights as a lawyer?

EA Becoming a mother softened me on many levels. It has made be more efficient, and extremely aware of where I spent my limited time. If I wasn’t a mother, I probably would have been a workaholic. I struggle to find balance because I give 110% in everything I do. But I’m sure I would struggle with balance if I did not have an incentive to divide my time between the different aspects of my life.

Even more importantly, I never knew that becoming a mother could give me such a sense of purpose. I remember feeling like I had just passed the bar. Then, I felt I had achieved the highest level of success and that nothing could be more rewarding. After having children, I realized there is more to life than just a drive for success. Meanings that I never imagined existed. My family is always my greatest achievement.

AALM : What is something about you that your colleagues might be surprised to know?

EA What can I think of? It’s not that I keep much to myself, but I do wear my story proudly, partly because my humble origins remind me of why I am so passionate about life. No matter what you do, or how anyone grows, or develops, I am convinced that the foundation is the same. The roots which shaped the person I am today will never leave me. To forget them or to undervalue their importance would be to misrepresent the positive aspects of my life.

AALM : Anything to add?

EA Success to me is about finding and using the best version of you, and ALWAYS being the hardest working person in the room. Will Smith’s quote is my life motto: “You may have more talent, intelligence, and sexiness than I do, but if we’re on a treadmill together, either you’ll get off first or I’ll die on that treadmill.” I won’t be outworked .”

Every day I work to teach my children that everyone who excels at something has put in a lot of effort to achieve it. Excellence is not an accident.

The post Emilia Arutunian, Hungry for Life first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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