You may be required to register if you are found guilty. This status often comes with severe restrictions on your life.

Not all sex crime allegations are simple, but everyone deserves to be treated fairly and not unfairly prosecuted. Your lawyer may suggest some of these strategies if you find yourself facing sex crimes allegations that have turned your life upside down:

Use the Motives of the Accuser

A person being accused of a sexual crime does not mean that they are guilty. Inform your sex crimes lawyer if the accuser is making the claim for a reason. The lawyer can find out more about the motives of the accuser and their credibility. They may even question their reliability. Your lawyer may also ask the accuser what they stand to gain by charging the defendant with a crime. It may only take a little doubt to undermine the state’s case.

Stay Silent

According to criminal law, you have the right not to speak when accused of a crime. You will be encouraged to remain silent by your lawyer, even if it seems that clearing your name would help your case.

If you speak to police officers, investigators or any other professional, anything you say could be used against your in court. There is no guarantee that the law enforcement will not twist your words to use against you, even if they seem innocent. Call your lawyer of choice and wait for instructions after you’ve been arrested for a sexual crime. You’ll probably be told to keep quiet until the police arrive at your location.

Focus on Forensic Evidence

The law enforcement may rely on forensic evidence in order to prove their case. Even the slightest mistake in this evidence could cause a jury or judge to doubt guilt.

Your lawyer may recommend that you examine the forensic evidence very closely to identify any flaws in the way the evidence was collected or analyzed. It may be sufficient to suppress or dismiss certain types of evidence if there are problems with the chain.

Give an Alibi

It is impossible to be in two different places at the same time. You can provide an alibi if you are accused of a sexual crime on a certain day and at a certain time. You can weaken the prosecution’s case by providing more evidence or testimonies that prove your whereabouts.

Cite Lack of Evidence

The alleged victim is not free to do whatever they want in a sex offence case. Like the accused, they must also follow certain rules. These rules include filing an motion to describe the proof and its purpose. Your lawyer will have access to all evidence that law enforcement provides. You may find that the evidence is not enough to prove your involvement in the crime. A lack of evidence could be used to highlight the case’s weaknesses.

You don’t have to be guilty just because you are accused. Your sex crimes lawyer will defend your rights to a fair process and may use some of the common defence strategies listed above.

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