You’d ask which bridge if attorney Michele Livingstone, of the Charlotte office O’Hagan-Meyer, asked you to do so. She’s full of energy and positivity.

She says her positive personality is a big part of her success. Livingstone said that she felt it helped because “I put people at ease, and made difficult situations more approachable.” When people are sued, they often panic. This is completely understandable. I prefer to call myself a counselor-at-law. “I feel that part of my job is to counsel clients and get them to calm down. The more they open up, the better I can help.”

I try to relieve my clients of any stress or pressure during the case. Livingstone added that being positive is key to moving the ball forward. “I always try to maintain a positive relationship with the opposing counsel so that we can get past the posturing, and reach a solution. It’s not necessary to be rude or angry with each other. “I think that’s an outdated notion of what an lawyer is.”

Livingstone said that her positive attitude goes well with her “tenacity.” She described tenacity in terms of perseverance and determination. This is usually reflected in my representation of clients. It’s not letting a case go, applying pressure and coming up with creative solutions. “I’m basically doing everything I can to prevent the case from lingering.”

Lawsuit Me

Michele Livingstone was born in Santa Clara and raised by her urban planner mother and registered nurse father. She began to follow a path towards the law from a young age.

“It was said that I can read and talk a great deal. When I was five, it seemed like a good idea. As I grew older, it seemed to fit me and my personality very well,” said Livingstone.

Livingstone holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Santa Clara University. She received her Juris Doctorate from Wake Forest University School of Law.

She began practicing insurance defense and workers compensation law after law school. She then went on to represent Durham Police Department members under Section 1983 of Civil Rights Act of 1871. This federal statute allows individuals to sue the Government for civil rights violations, such as excessive force by police.

Livingstone’s practice includes commercial and business disputes as well as disputes relating to property. Her practice is dominated by the constantly changing and evolving laws, rules and regulations relating to employment and labor. This is my favorite part of employment law. There are many opportunities to learn and research. I go to CLEs and lunch-and-learns. But I also do my own research in order to keep up with the latest developments,” Livingstone said.

Feeding Frenzy

During the pandemic, when people lost jobs and could not afford groceries, demand for food spiked.

Livingstone, as co-chairman of the NCBA Young Lawyers Division Feeding Frenzy, was at the forefront of filling up the food pipeline. The annual Frenzy involves a competition between law firms, corporate in-house counsel, and law schools to see who can make the biggest donation to Carolina’s Food Banks. The 2022 Frenzy raised $226.646, which was equivalent to 907.699 pounds.

Livingstone was awarded the Charles F. Blanchard Award as the Young Lawyer of 2022 by the NCBA, and the Altruist Award in recognition of her work with Legal Feeding Frenzy.

Livingstone said, “It was a wonderful experience and I felt so proud of our legal community.” Giving back makes me feel good, and I like to work on projects that have more impact than my normal attorney duties. Attorneys had the chance to adapt and work from home during COVID. “I was moved by the sheer number of people who came forward to assist those in need.”

The article Michele Livingstone – Personality and Tenacity first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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