They created settlement agreements that would meet the needs of each side, depending on their life stages at the time they separated. However, life is never the same. Today’s children have different needs than when they were younger.

If you are looking for a trusted divorce attorney to help you ensure that your divorce settlement meets your needs, you have many options. Because we have years of experience and a wealth knowledge, we can help you navigate this process.

What are Post-Divorce Decree Modifications

Finalization and filing for divorce can take time. During the divorce, you and your ex-spouse may have gone through multiple mediation sessions regarding issues such as alimony, asset division, child custody or child support payments.

Your circumstances may change over time. Divorce decrees are based upon the mediation agreements. Modification may be required if there is a significant change to the divorce decree.

What circumstances might inspire a post-divorce modification?

Changes in circumstances can result in an unfair divorce decision. These can be modified.

You may not have filed your case in a while, or you might have been fired, retired or remarried.

Missouri law gives you the ability to change your child custody, maintenance, and child support agreement for a variety of reasons. You can either reduce or increase the amount you pay, or even terminate your payments. It is likely that you will need to show that your circumstances have changed significantly and that the terms of your agreement are no longer valid or reasonable.

What are the benefits of Modification to Divorce Deeds?

If both spouses’ income, relationships, medical histories, assets or other factors change, the original divorce decree must be amended. Modifications to divorce decrees can be legal amendments.

After a modification, an amended divorce decree can be considered “updated”. After a modification to a divorce decree, many circumstances can be changed.

Post-Divorce Modification Types

After a divorce, you may try to redress or revisit certain issues. Post-divorce modifications can be granted if there are changes in one’s situation, particularly for children.

In the following situations, a court order may be changed:

Spousal support:

A court will reduce or terminate spousal maintenance in any of these situations. Although bias in support of spouses can occur, it is much less common.

Custody of children:

There are many reasons why a custody arrangement may need to be changed. The Court may grant custodial guardianship if one parent is unable to care for the child’s basic needs.

Child Support

A court may grant a modification to meet the changing needs of a child. This could be to modify child care or school needs.


Changes in location can also be necessary to meet changing needs. A promotion, demotion or raise may be possible. This could mean that you need to look for a different level support. You may need to relocate for the job due to the change. You may be allowed to move by the Court as the Custodial Parents. To accommodate the relationship between the parent and the child, the Court may allow you to have long-distant visits.

Modifications can be made much easier if both parents are in agreement. A skilled divorce lawyer can help you understand and address the issues that arise when your ex-spouse doesn’t agree to the terms of your divorce agreement.

If the modification is made by the ex-spouse without a court order, it will not be legally binding. An experienced divorce lawyer can help you with your post-divorce modification or enforcement needs.

Contact the Post-Divorce Modifications & Enforcement Attorney today!

Before you rush to Court to ask for a modification, or to fight it, consult , a skilled divorce lawyer who has experience in post-divorce modifications. With the right lawyer, it is possible to reach an agreement with your spouse. You can save time and money by not going to Court.

A divorce lawyer can assist you in modifying or enforcing the divorce decree. We only prepare divorce decrees that meet your needs. We then help you to get the modifications that you need in an ever-changing world.

Attorney at Law Magazine published the post Review of Post-Divorce Modifications In Missouri.

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