I’ve talked in this space in the past about Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941), a strong advocate of tax-wise giving, and consequent interpretation over the years of the U.S. Tax Code and “Legitimate Tax Avoidance.” Recall his words regarding driving across the Potomac to get to his chambers and driving the extra mile to avoid the toll bridge: “For my tax evasion, I should be punished. For my tax avoidance, I should be commended. The tragedy of life is so few people know that the free bridge even exists!”

The commute across the Potomac to work, while illustrative, does not do justice to the sheer number of “free bridges” actually located within the Internal Revenue Code which allow you to legitimately avoid unnecessary taxes – especially if you are a highly profitable business owner. The key is to know where to find them, but even more importantly, how to recognize the sections in the code designed to automatically take you across toll bridges, where the price for crossing is the payment of higher, probably unnecessary taxes.


That commute is but one leg of what we consider a journey. A journey that begins with understanding the “Order of Money.” Not all money is taxed the same, and it can filter down to your personal tax bracket in different sequences. Along the way, your tax bracket becomes dynamic. Like Justice Brandeis suggests, it requires effort to go the extra mile to find the free bridge – when you do, the benefits for you, your family, and even your community can be substantial.

One such Free Bridge (deduction) that many professionals have not been exposed to from their advisory team is Cash Balance Plans. These plans can allow you to deduct income on a  dollar-by-dollar basis, reducing your tax burden while accelerating your  retirement savings at the same time. When combined with an existing 401(k) profit-sharing plan, a cash balance plan can increase annual contribution limits by up to $245,000+ per year.


Well, it’s a defined benefit plan (think traditional pension plan where employees receive fixed benefits upon retirement). A Cash Balance Plan looks and functions like a defined contribution plan on the participant’s end, much like a 401(k), where participants maintain an individual account balance.

But contributing to a cash balance plan not only reduces taxable income, but also adjusted gross income (AGI).

Large, well-known U.S. organizations like IBM, AT&T, and Boeing have  cash balance plans. These plans are especially popular with small businesses though; over 85% of the plans belong to companies with fewer than 100 employees. At last count there were over 13,000 of these plans in place.

Ten years ago, implementing and running a cash balance plan was prohibitively complicated. The rules that governed them were unclear or nonexistent, and lack of information left many business owners and financial advisors ignorant of their potential. A number of lawsuits also caused business owners and their advisors to avoid a possibly controversial plan, despite the benefits offered.

Today, however, the increasing availability of information regarding cash balance plans and a series of legislative acts and IRS regulations have brought these unique hybrid plans more into the mainstream. In 2006, the Pension Protection Act officially recognized their legality and removed a number of roadblocks that had previously made administering them difficult. In 2010 and 2014, the IRS  released further measures that clarified  the 2006 legislation and introduced  some exciting new investment options.



Captive insurance strategies, sequenced Roth IRA conversions, leveraged charitable gifting, leveraged life insurance, qualified opportunity zones, use of different entities, expense auditing/reduction: savings of $1K-$4K per EE per year; and expensing instead of depreciating.

For the cost of your time on a 15-30 minute phone call, you can give our team a chance to guide you to a few of these bridges. We’d love to hear from you!

The post Not Too Late for Big Tax Deductions for 2022 appeared first on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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