Adam Vander Heyden is originally from Eagle, Wisconsin. After graduating from Thomas Cooley Law School in Michigan, he has dedicated himself and his career to helping people through a difficult time in their lives as a criminal defense attorney.

Over the past 6 years, Adam has handled over 1100 DUI cases, resolved over 50,000 traffic tickets, and made thousands of court appearances for his clients. 

Every day Adam’s focus is on protecting the constitutional rights of Nevada citizens, preventing abuses by the state, and ensuring that one mistake does not cost someone their life, career, or future.

Adam’s passion for criminal law carries over to the rest of his life as well. When he’s not in the courtroom Adam enjoys hiking, reading, playing hockey, and competing in NPC Mens’ Physique competitions. Adam believes firmly that you only get back what you put into something, which is why he puts everything he has into everything he does.

If you’re looking for an attorney who will treat your case, your life, with the respect and dedication it deserves then give Adam Vander Heyden a call today at 702.701.7800.

Adam sat down with us to share a little more about himself, his practice and his law career. 

VLM: What does being an attorney mean to you?

AVH: I get to meet face to face with people who are in trouble on a daily basis.  Helping them get back to their lives without these cases ruining everything they have going for them, is a very fulfilling role I have.

VLM: What was your most memorable case?

AVH: Over the last 13 years, I have had many cases that were very serious, and some that were silly.  An example of each would be:  I have handled numerous DUI cases resulting in death, and even after handling thousands of cases, I remember each one of these as if the client just hired me.  One of the funny cases I had, was when a client was found naked, running in circles around her car when the police found her.  A fact pattern I will never forget!

VLM: Have you ever experienced a situation where you had to support a legal position that conflicted with your personal beliefs? If so, how did you handle it?

AVH: Yes. Doing criminal defense work, it is not easy to sympathize with someone who has committed domestic violence, murder, robbery, etc., these “violent” crimes are not something I personally believe we have the right to do, but it is my job to defend someone regardless of my personal beliefs.  When I first started practicing criminal law, I did have more emotional responses to cases, but as time has gone on, I tend to treat these cases as business as usual now, regardless of internal personal conflict I may have.

VLM: Has there ever been a situation that tested the limits of your patience?  Do you have any advice for handling those moments?

AVH: Sometimes clients do not want to follow my advice.  I have practicing law for 15 and a half years, and have handled over 60,000 cases (including traffic tickets) total, so I like to think my advice is worth something.  However, not everyone agrees with me, so sometimes that can be frustrating going back and forth with someone who is not arguing with logic, but basing decisions on emotions.  The easiest method of handling this type of situation is always open and honest communication.  Most often, after explaining why I am giving the advice I am, the client will eventually understand where my advice is coming from.

VLM: What is your best piece of advice for new attorneys looking to start their own firm?

AVH: The practice of law is a grind. Be ready to fight, claw, and scrape your way to success, because it does not happen overnight.  Find an area of law that interests you, because you are going to be living, eating, breathing, and sleeping this lifestyle for a long time, on your path to finding success.  I love what I do, and that helps my daily motivation to get through the grind.

VLM: What made you want to start your own firm?

AVH: I worked for another firm for 3 years, and after the 3 years, I realized I was the talent driving the business success, but I was being paid as if I was not that important.  I soaked up all the experience of practicing law, and running a successful business, and used all that experience to create my own successful business, DUI Doctor.

VLM: What made you decide to want to be an attorney?

AVH: My first day of college orientation, they handed out a piece of paper with a list of majors they offered.  I read through the list, stopped at the word “law,” and knew that was it.  I started from that day until I passed the bar exam with the same goal: representing people and helping them through difficult times.

VLM: What is your favorite and least favorite part of being an attorney?

AVH: My favorite part of being an attorney is probably seeing the impact my hard work has on people’s every day lives.  When I get a client a good deal and it saves their job, and I get an email a few months later thanking me for saving their career, or their marriage, family, etc, that’s what keeps the fire inside of me going. / Least favorite part of being an attorney is the time I invest in working takes time away from my wife and kids.  The practice of law is a big time sink, and your life moves fast, and the days blur together with all the time you invest in your cases and clients.

VLM: What is your passion outside of law?

AVH: Outside of practicing law, I enjoy spending time with my family, fitness (workout 6 days a week), watching movies, playing League of Legends, and vacations (if I ever get any).

VLM: Finally…what do you love most about Vegas?

AVH: I love the speed the city moves at.  I grew up in Wisconsin, and always thought everything moved too slow for me.  I always wanted more out of life, and I think the Vegas lifestyle matches what I wanted.  I like how nothing closes early, the gyms are open 24 hours a day, and when my wife and I want to get dinner late, there’s always a restaurant with reservations available.  I do not think I could have a business model like DUI Doctor in Wisconsin, and I appreciate the opportunity to run my business the way I want.  The weather doesn’t hurt either (well for 9 months a year).

If you’re looking for an attorney who will treat your case, your life, with the respect and dedication it deserves then give Adam Vander Heyden a call today at 702.701.7800 or visit his website:

The post Practitioner Profile: Adam Vander Heyden, Esq., DUI Doctor appeared first on Vegas Legal Magazine.

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