In just a few minutes, your mind is clear and all the stress of everyday life has disappeared.

It’s not just you on the road. You have to be aware of cars, pedestrians, and trucks. Some people could return the stress that you are trying to release.

A crash on two wheels is much more dangerous than a crash with four wheels. You can ride much more safely if you know what safety measures to take.

6 Safety Measures Motorcyclists can Take to Avoid Accidents

Washington Traffic Safety Commission reported that even though motorcycles make up only 3% of vehicles on state roads, they are responsible for 19% of serious injuries resulting from vehicle collisions. Following some basic motorcycle safety precautions can help prevent many of these accidents.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer if you or someone you love has been injured in an accident. An attorney who is experienced in motorcycle accidents will be able to guide you on what to do in order to receive the compensation you deserve.

You can keep riding safely and enjoyably, whether you’ve ridden for thousands of miles or are new to two-wheeled life. Here are some of the best safety precautions that you can take.

Defensive Riding

It doesn’t mean that you are trembling and fearing for the worst. You’re mentally ready for the ride. Being prepared and having a plan are essential for avoiding motorcycle accidents. Here are some things to consider on your next motorcycle trip:

* Assume that other drivers don’t see your vehicle

* Do not be afraid to blow your horn when necessary

* Prepare yourself to take evasive actions

Be Seen

Motorcycles have a smaller profile and other vehicles can sometimes find it difficult to see you. It is important to do all you can to be more visible on the road. You can do this by:

* Always use your headlights and running lights

* Wear brightly colored clothing

Add reflective strips to helmet

Don’t Split Lanes

Some bikers think there is no traffic on a motorbike. Avoid the temptation to split lanes when you encounter stopped traffic or traffic jams. Washington State’s law is clear about this bad habit that many bikers have. Accidents are waiting to happen when you lane split.

Don’t drink and ride

Many bikers do not follow this rule of common sense. It’s not only illegal, it’s just plain stupid. Alcohol and motor vehicles, of any type, do not mix.

To ride safely, you need to be able to react quickly and concentrate. It may seem harmless to stop for a beer on the road, but this is not a good idea. Don’t drink if you plan to ride. If you are going to ride, then don’t drink.

Inspect Your Bike

Before you move your wheels an inch, take a few minutes to check the safety of your motorcycle. Give your motorcycle a once-over. Check that the tires are inflated properly, check the running and headlights, test both turn signals and the horn. To ensure your brakes are working properly, you should slowly release the clutch and move forward.

Distance between Vehicles

The speed at which your bike can stop is more important than its acceleration. Give yourself enough space between your bike, and the vehicle ahead of you. This extra space will allow you to ride around vehicles that suddenly stop in the city. Give yourself more room on the highway to accommodate sudden braking by a vehicle ahead of you.

Last Thoughts about Riding Safe

It’s a terrible feeling to be out on a motorcycle ride and find that your bike is not shining anymore. Smart riders ride with caution to avoid an accident. Have fun, be smart and ride safely.

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