Stefanie Lambert: Integrity, Courage & Faith

Stefanie Lambert’s name is synonymous with courage, integrity and a commitment to the Constitution. She takes her role as an attorney very seriously. Her unwavering faith and commitment to the oath that she took when she passed the Bar are what make it so.

She says, “I have a great respect for the U.S. Constitution as well as how our justice system was intended to work.” “I believe that is where I have been most effective and where I am not afraid to advocate aggressively for my clients, whether it be in court or with the opposing counsel. I believe that many people are more interested in professional relationships, shaking hands and not having animosity during a holiday party. I am friendly and have many good relationships with opposing counsel, judges and other lawyers. “But at the end, I’m going to do what is right for my client and what I think will be in their best interests. I don’t really care what people think.”

I have many good relationships with opposing counsel and judges. At the end of it all, I must do what is right and in the best interests of my client.

Jumping into the Deep End

Lambert, a highly skilled and dedicated lawyer, began her career as a trial-by-fire. Lambert was appointed as Wayne County’s prosecutor in 2007. The office was always one of the busiest in the nation, but at the time there were only 100 attorneys available to deal with the cases.

Lambert’s first day she was given some of the most difficult cases, including murder, sexual abuse, terrorism and bank robberies. She says there was no “breaking-in” period. Although she had the support from more senior prosecutors, it was a situation in which she simply had to jump in.

She says that “L.A. New York Chicago and Detroit are the principal prosecutor offices across the country who deal with the most serious violent crimes.” “I decided to enter what is comparable to a medical emergency room. You’ll be involved in many trials as a prosecutor. Many attorneys sit behind a desk and just push paper all day, but a prosecuting lawyer is constantly preparing for trials or in court. They get lots of trial experience.

“I joined a company where I would gain a great deal of experience. And boy, did it pay off!”

Integrity is at the heart of the role of the prosecutor in the criminal justice systems. Integrity is the foundation upon which justice rests. Lambert is a person who understands and lives this principle. Her unwavering dedication to justice, honesty and rule of law have earned her the respect of her peers as well as the admiration of the community in which she works.

Lambert’s integrity is a beacon for hope in an age when the public’s trust in justice system has been questioned. She understands that the prosecutors’ power comes with a great deal of responsibility, and that each decision can have a profound impact. Lambert’s commitment to ensuring justice is served fairly and with integrity is commendable. She sets a good example for other lawyers.

Private Practice

Lambert’s immediate experience in the trenches, combined with her solid education, gave her exceptional knowledge and skills that propelled her to excellence in career. This experience also laid a solid basis for her career change in 2018, when she chose to enter private practice.

She says, “I began to do federal criminal defense and civil cases. I also started handling a variety of civil and criminal litigation.” “My commitment and beliefs remain the same, so being on the other side wasn’t that different. I have always respected our Constitution. As a prosecutor I valued justice, the rule of law and that’s no different for me on the defense side. “A client’s rights must be respected and handled correctly throughout the litigation. I enjoy both sides. “No matter which side of the fence I am on, I prepare the other side’s case,” says she. It’s very satisfying to know that I would have done a better job if I had been at the opposing table during a trial.

Lambert’s impressive career is filled with victories that have changed the face of federal courts. Her clients are satisfied because of her legal expertise. Her ability to navigate complicated legal terrain, and her attention to detail were instrumental in these victories.

Lambert’s law firm offers a boutique, individualized approach for each client matter. Lambert builds a team of top attorneys, specialists and experts for each client in order to reach the desired outcome. She has extensive experience in a variety of legal fields, but always keeps her clients’ best interests at heart.

She says that some attorneys become specialized and are unable to use many strategies, as they lack the experience in handling different types of cases. “I’ve worked in prosecution, defense and many different specialties. I use attorneys who have only experience in these specialties on each case. I put together the right team for every case. Many times, it’s only me. But I believe that what makes me an excellent attorney is my experience, talent and drive. But I have no ego. “I bring in the right team when I need it to provide my client with the best defense.”

In the best interest of the client

Lambert is confident, but not arrogant. She lets her conscience and her trust in the justice systems guide her. Knowing her well, those who have worked with her know that telling her it’s impossible only makes her more determined to prove the people wrong. She was told that she was fighting against a losing opponent in two different cases. In both cases she was able to secure sentences that were reduced from federal charges to a never-before-seen probation.

She says, “I find it most rewarding in my career to be able get incredible results for my client that they never imagined possible.” “The two cases I am most proud of both took place in federal court, and both clients faced substantial prison sentences. The client facing the longest sentence was at least 15-years, while the other faced a maximum of six-months. They had no criminal record, and they had never been in a federal court case. These were law-abiding people who had families. I witnessed an injustice that was taking place. These were cases where there had been a lot of litigation, both in court and behind the scene with opposing counsel. I was able, within a year, to secure probation for both of my clients.

When I heard from those who have tried many cases at federal court that I had gone too far, I refused that. They couldn’t believe I had achieved what I thought was a fair result, as they claimed they’d never witnessed anything like it in federal court.

Lambert’s career has seen her handle numerous cases of note. She is one of the rare attorneys who will take on unpopular issues relating to elections. Lambert represents whistleblowers and government entities that have exposed problems in the electoral system.

Lambert was initially sanctioned for her involvement in one of these cases and received her bar grievance after 15 years. Lambert won her appeal against the sanction order. The bar grievance has also been voluntarily dismissed.

I witnessed an injustice that was taking place. These were cases where there had been a lot of litigation, both in court and behind the scenes.

Lambert was engaged in 2023 by a client to conduct an audit of Detroit’s 2020 elections. Speckin Forensics was engaged, a company with expertise.

“During this audit, it was found that thousands of absentee votes (up to 34 000) were returned, despite the fact that no matching application had been filed, there were more ballots in envelopes than ballots and fraud ballots with different paper and printing than the official ballot.”

Lambert’s clients have always sought to ensure accurate elections. This is why Lambert remains a passionate advocate, despite media attacks or cases being dismissed due to procedural issues before a discovery procedure where proof could be presented for transparency.

Lambert has been appointed as lead counsel in a landmark case, where Fulton County, PA, sued Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., for breach of contract.

Lambert: “An expert firm, Speckin Forensics discovered a malicious python code on the Dominion Voting Equipment owned by Fulton County. This script allowed data to be manipulated, as well as international communication with Canada.”

“Moreover, equipment did not meet Federal Standards (CISA DISA and NIST).

Lambert is confident that her clients will prevail in these ongoing matters.

I have never tried a case that I did not believe in.

Lambert is adamant about zealous representation for her clients and does not consider her role as an lawyer to be political. She loves helping clients fix flaws with the electoral system so that the will of people is represented in leadership. Lambert considers that ensuring our election system protects our rights and allows us to elect a government for the people by the people will be the most important work she does as an attorney.

Lambert says, “I have never tried a case that I did not believe in.” As a prosecutor, we were constantly given cases. “I would look at every case and make sure I truly believed in it, before I took it to court. If I didn’t I would have resigned.” I am a person of high morals, who believes in justice. I won’t let anyone dissuade or discourage me. I always do what is right.

She adds, “But I’m always surprised when I speak to the jury afterward to ask them what they think is important.” “One juror complimented my shoes!” I am always surprised by what they focus on. They seem to spend more time on some cases I thought to be stronger, and they make quick decisions in others. You can’t predict the verdict of a jury, as any lawyer will tell you. We can only follow the law and present our best case. In the end, it is up to the third party.”

Have it all

Lambert is not just a driven, tenacious attorney. She is also a mother who devotes herself to her three children.

Lambert’s voice is filled with pride and love as she says “My oldest child has Down syndrome and she is 11 1/2 years old.” “My son is 6 1/2, and my second daughter is 11 1/2.” All of them are amazing.

She adds, laughing: “They’re all little advocates.” “They are always arguing their case, and I do not shut them up. I will change my mind if they make a convincing argument. “It’s unlikely, but I let them try.”

Integrity is a guiding principle for Lambert not just in the courtroom, but in all aspects of her life. Her contributions to law go beyond her victories in court. She is a lawyer’s role model, a mentor and an advocate. Lambert is a participant in many legal education programs. She shares her expertise and experience with the next generation. Her commitment to developing future advocates will ensure that constitutional rights and principles of integrity are protected for many years to come.

The Law Office of Stefanie Lambert PLLC

400 Renaissance Center

26th Floor

Detroit, MI 48243

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The post Stefanie L. Lambert: Integrity Courage & Faith first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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