Artful Pleading Suffers Smackdown from Texas Supreme Court

On February 21, 2025, in Pitts v Rivas, the Texas Supreme Court finally accepted and applied the “anti-fracturing rule” to professional liability claims. The rule “limits the ability of plaintiffs to recharacterize a professional negligence claim as some other claim – such as fraud or breach of fiduciary duty – in order to obtain a litigation benefit like a longer statute of limitations.”1 This rule shall apply to any professional liability claim. Long recognized by Texas Courts of Appeals – primarily in legal malpractice cases – the Court applied the anti-fracturing rule in an accountant’s malpractice case.

In Pitts, a former client alleged multiple causes of action including fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of contract, as well as negligence, gross negligence, and professional malpractice against a group of accountants. On summary judgment, the accountant defendants argued the negligence claims were barred by Texas’s two-year limitations statute, and the fraud, contract, and fiduciary duty claims were barred by the anti-fracturing rule. The accountant defendants also claimed the breach of contract action was barred by Texas’s four-year limitations. The trial court granted summary judgment and dismissed the suit. The Court of Appeals disagreed regarding dismissal of the fraud and fiduciary duty claims and allowed them to proceed. The Texas Supreme Court reversed and held that under the undisputed facts, there was no viable claim for breach of fiduciary duty, and the fraud claim was barred by the anti-fracturing rule.

The Texas Supreme Court explained that the anti-fracturing rule limits plaintiffs’ attempts “to artfully recast a professional negligence allegation as something more – such as fraud or breach of fiduciary duty – to avoid a litigation hurdle such as the statute of limitations.”2 The Court cautioned that it is the “gravamen of the facts alleged” that must be examined closely rather than the “labels chosen by the plaintiff.”3

If the essence, “crux or gravamen of the plaintiff’s claim is a complaint about the quality of professional services provided by a defendant, then the claim will be treated as one for professional negligence even if the petition also attempts to repackage the allegations under the banner of additional claims.”4 To survive application of the rule, a plaintiff needs to plead facts that extend beyond the scope of what has traditionally been considered a professional negligence claim.5

In Pitts, the gravamen of the claims was that the accountants made accounting errors that eventually were fatal to the Rivas’s business, resulting in its bankruptcy. Although certain the accountants’ alleged errors occurred outside of the confines of their engagement agreement, the Court noted those errors still fell within the work that an accountant might generally perform for a small business. “The rule extends to any allegation that traditionally sounds in professional negligence[.]”6 The thrust of the claim based upon the facts was that the accountants were allegedly merely negligent in providing competent accounting services, which did not fall within a breach of fiduciary duty or fraud.7

In dissecting the difference between fraud and negligence, the Court noted that “[o]verstating one’s professional competence is a classic example of malpractice.”8 While the accountants realized their mistakes, failed to confess hoping “nothing would come of it,” and “finally suggested ways to hide them,” the Court noted that there was no evidence that the accountants were “engaged in a fraudulent scheme” against the business and its owners or intended in any way to harm them.Indeed, the actual harm to the business was due to the accounting errors made by the defendants and not from any misrepresentations associated with those errors.10

With respect to the claim for breach of fiduciary duty, the Court held that whether the anti-fracturing rule was applicable, no fiduciary duty existed as a matter of law.11


Pitts v Rivas, 2025 Tex. LEXIS 131 *1 (Tex. 2025).
2 Id. at *6-7.
3 Id. at *7.
4 Id.
5 Id. at *8.
6 Id. at *12.
 Id. at *13-14.
8 *14.
9 Id. at *14-15. 
10 Id. at *15.
11 Id. at *17.

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