It’s often a last-resort when we are no longer able to provide the advanced care that our loved ones deserve. We expect that nursing home staff will provide the care we cannot. But that’s not always the case.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), neglect and abuse are a growing issue. You can be more alert to problems in the care of your loved ones if you are aware of the types and severity. The most common types of neglect are:

Medical Neglect

Families of loved ones who are in nursing homes choose to consult an injury lawyer when they suspect medical negligence. This neglect is usually caused by employees of a facility who do not provide the residents with adequate healthcare. Medical neglect can take many forms.

* Failure to administer the correct medications at the appropriate times

* Not providing adequate care for specific health problems like dementia

* Bedsores are more likely to develop in residents who have mobility issues.

* Failure to notify healthcare professionals of signs and symptoms of illness, infection, or other changes in health

Medical neglect is serious, and can lead to life-threatening illnesses that are entirely preventable, like infections and sepsis. You should alert the nursing home’s management if you suspect neglect. You can start by contacting them. If that fails, you can contact the police and a personal lawyer who specializes in nursing home negligence.

Basic Living Neglect

All of us deserve the basic necessities of life. People often put their loved one in care because they are worried that they will not be able to take care of themselves on a basic basis. It’s natural to think that care homes would take care of the basic needs. However, this is not always the case. Basic living neglect is when a nursing facility fails to provide its residents with the following:

* A comfortable living environment

* A clean living environment

* Adequate Food and Water

It is important to take such neglect seriously, as the consequences can be serious. Patients admitted to hospital from care homes often have dehydration and are at greater risk for in-hospital death than patients admitted from their homes.

Personal Hygiene Neglect

Your loved one may be admitted to a care facility if they are unable to maintain their own hygiene. There are no guarantees either that a home for care will do so. Neglecting personal hygiene is one of the most common causes of neglect. Some care home workers fail to bathe residents correctly, change their bedding and clothing frequently, or check on them often.

Social Neglect

Social relationships and health go hand in hand. Social neglect continues to be a problem at care homes around the world. Care home workers may neglect the social needs of their residents if they don’t provide mobility aids or isolate residents who have mobility issues.

It’s not normal to see nursing homes neglecting their residents, but it happens. Care home failures and industry failures have left many residents and their family members as victims. If you have noticed any of the above forms of neglect, take action. You could save lives by reporting what you have seen and contacting legal counsel.

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