DUI convictions can impact your ability to get insurance and drive. You may find it difficult to get a job if you are convicted of DUI. The cost is also high. You should hire a criminal lawyer to defend yourself.

According to Jonathan B. Blecher P.A. Miami DUI Lawyer – You should hire an attorney with years of criminal defense experience. They should have a track record of success in court.

Before looking for an attorney, it’s important to know the possible consequences of a DUI in Florida.

License Suspension

If you are convicted for DUI, your license will be suspended for a period of time. Your license will also be suspended if you are stopped on suspicion of DUI and refuse to take the breathalyzer.

If you are found guilty of DUI for the first time, your license will be suspended from six months to one year. This is provided there were no injuries. You will lose your driving privileges for at least three years if you are found guilty of causing an accident that resulted in injury or death to someone else while you were under the influence.

The suspension period will increase with each DUI. The second offense comes with a five-year ban. If you are convicted of a third offense, your driving privileges will be suspended for 10 years. Your license will be permanently suspended if you are convicted a fourth time.

Alcohol levels in the blood can also influence suspension periods. Your license may be suspended longer if a minor is in your vehicle at the time you are arrested than if it were just you.

Hardship Licenses

You may be eligible for a hardship permit if you need to drive to work or medical appointments and your license has been revoked. You’ll be restricted in the number of driving hours per week, and at what times.

DUI Fees

If you are convicted of DUI, there will be a fine. If this is your first offense you’ll pay between $500-$1,000. If this is your second offense you will be charged between $1,000 and $2,000 If you have a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher or you were driving with a minor, you’ll pay between $1,000 and $2,000 on your first conviction. You will also be charged $2000 to $4000 on a subsequent conviction.

Jail Time

If you are convicted of DUI for the first time, your sentence can be up to six months in prison or nine months if there is a minor or your BAC is over 0.15. You may be able serve your sentence in a rehab facility.

You will be sentenced to 10 days in jail if you are convicted a second time within five years. You can however be jailed for up to 9 months. If you have a minor with you in the vehicle or your BAC is over 0.15, it can be extended to one year.

Third convictions will result in an automatic 30-day prison sentence. You can however be jailed for up to a year. You can spend up to five years in jail if you are convicted for the fourth time.

A criminal lawyer will investigate your arrest to ensure that everything was done legally. They may be able get the charges dropped if they didn’t. They will do everything they can to make sure you get the best possible deal.

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