There has been a 17.3% increase in car accident fatalities in New Mexico since 2020. With 1.27 traffic fatalities occurring every day, 467 people died in car crashes in 2022 in the state. 

That is a staggering figure and a devastating reminder of the cost of driver negligence in New Mexico and throughout the U.S. Beyond the loss of innocent lives, accidents caused by negligent drivers also leave injured victims and shattered families in their wake. 

In one of too many similar scenarios, the driver of a stolen car crashed into another vehicle in Albuquerque in July this year. The impact of the crash trapped the driver of the other vehicle inside her car. By the time police officers responded, the elderly female driver had passed away. 

Also in July, street racers caused a three-car collision that killed two drivers, seriously injured two volleyball players, and killed one of their mothers. 

As if these accidents were not horrific enough, a recent study has also revealed that Albuquerque has the riskiest drivers in all of America

The city is subsequently facing an epidemic of reckless driving, fueled by several factors, such as distractions and driving under the influence of alcohol. 

The Toll of Fatal Accidents on Innocent Lives

There is no real way to quantify the loss of an innocent life. Yes, you can calculate damages and medical expenses, but how do you quantify the grief and devastation experienced by loved ones? 

Furthermore, death is far from being the only consequence. Some survivors suffer lifelong physical and emotional pain. This includes traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, depression, and PTSD, to name a few. 

The consequences extend even further to witnesses and first responders. Experiencing trauma like this, even from the sidelines, is enough to give rise to mental health conditions, including severe fear and anxiety disorders.

Sometimes, bystanders experience feelings of guilt and regret if they were not able to help someone injured or killed in a car crash. 

In addition to these consequences, entire suburbs and communities also feel the ripple effect of fatal accidents. The loss of a loved one can destabilize a family, and this situation can spill over to neighbours and friends. 

Children who lose their parents in car accidents are at risk of long-term emotional and behavioural problems, which can also affect their immediate community. 

The Economic Impact of Fatal Accidents

Negligent drivers do not only destroy lives, but they actively destroy their local economy as well. Car crashes cost the government billions of dollars each year. These expenses include medical treatment, productivity loss, property damage, and legal fees. 

Those who bear the brunt of these expenses include individuals, businesses, and taxpayers. Hospitals and other medical facilities also have to bear the financial burden of treating hundreds of car crash victims every year. 

ICU, surgery, and rehabilitation costs quickly add up and lead to increased healthcare costs for everyone. Insurance premiums also typically increase in response to ongoing crashes and subsequent claims. 

Work absences, disability, and death keep decreasing productivity in New Mexico and across the U.S. And, when people can no longer work because of their injuries after an accident, their families will suffer financially. 

Losing skilled workers to injury or disability also harms local businesses, leading to additional costs for recruitment. 

What Can Be Done To Reduce Fatal Accidents on the Road?

Unfortunately, reckless drivers aren’t likely to change their driving habits until an accident stops them in their tracks. It’s not easy to reduce the number of fatalities on the road. As such, a comprehensive approach is needed to tackle this serious problem.

Law enforcement could be more visible on the roads and stricter in enforcing traffic laws. Zero-tolerance policies for drunk driving and distracted driving may be effective at discouraging these habits. 

Public awareness campaigns can help educate the general public about the dangers of reckless driving, including distracted driving, speeding, and impaired driving. At the same time, these campaigns should promote the use of seat belts and child safety seats. 

Driver education is also crucial in reducing fatal accidents on the road. Refresher courses on traffic laws, essential driving skills, and responsible driving can instil the importance of doing one’s part in keeping the road safe. 

In addition to these measures, improvements in road infrastructure could help reduce the severity of car accidents. Good lighting, clear signage, and well-maintained roads are essential for safer roads

What To Do If You Are In an Accident Caused By a Negligent Driver

If you are in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, there are several steps to follow. First, ensure you and other drivers or pedestrians get out of harm’s way. This means moving vehicles and people out of the way of traffic.

If it’s impossible to move the vehicles out of the way, at least ensure that everyone involved is safe. Check yourself and others for injuries, and call emergency services. You should call emergency services or at least visit the emergency room even if you don’t think you’re injured. While waiting for medical help to arrive, exchange information with the at-fault driver.

Remember to get the driver’s insurance information, especially if you want to pursue a personal injury case. 

When the first responders get to the accident scene, allow them to give you the medical treatment you need. If they want you to go to an ER, do not resist. Getting checked out and requesting your medical records will go a long way in helping you win your legal case. 

If you were injured in the accident, search for an experienced attorney to help you file a personal injury case. Your lawyer will help you get the evidence to file your case and win compensation. 

Reclaiming Alburquerque Roads

The toll of driver negligence in Albuquerque is an ongoing crisis that needs immediate action. While little can be done with stubborn, reckless drivers, law enforcement and public campaigns can make a difference. 

However, everyone who uses the road has the ultimate responsibility for road safety. If everyone understood the terrible consequences of negligent driving, Albuquerque roads could be much safer.  

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