When couples say their wedding vows, they expect to create meaningful moments they will treasure forever. Unfortunately, not all marriages in Georgia ended with “till death do us part.” Some encounter challenges, such as infidelity, abusive partners, financial difficulties, and more, forcing the union to end, resulting in divorce.

The sad bit is that divorce can have far-reaching consequences, which could affect your happiness, family relationships, economic status, and emotional well-being. Part ways amicably by speaking to family lawyer Shawna Woods of the Atlanta Divorce Law Group. Understanding the common effects of divorce on men and women can help you overcome your challenges confidently if you experience divorce. 

Physical Impacts of Divorce on Men

According to a study in the Journal of Men’s Health, a rough divorce can hit men health-wise. Apparently, male individuals who have gone through a divorce tend to have it way tougher when it comes to mental and physical health compared to those who are married.

The gist is that divorced dudes tend to spiral into depression more often, suffer frequent illness, get into substance abuse than married men, and even have higher risks of heavy-hitting stuff like heart attacks and strokes. Oh, and they are also more prone to packing on extra pounds, which brings along friends like diabetes. Not only that—but their odds of kicking the bucket earlier are shockingly 250% higher than those who are married.

Physical Impacts of Divorce on Women

The physical effects of divorce on women are similar to those of men but with slightly higher intensities. For instance, the rate of heart attacks among women who have divorced once increases to 24 percent. This figure further shoots to 77 percent for women who have had two or more divorces.

According to the University of Texas, the reason for higher chances of heart attacks among divorced women is stress, which worsens inflammation levels. Additionally, women take more time to recover from emotional distress than men, as they are less likely to find another partner to remarry quickly. 

Similar to men, the physical impact of divorce can cause obesity, metabolic problems, heart diseases, and a weakened immune system in women. It is crucial to seek help from a counselor who can walk you through your recovery path.

Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Divorce on Men

Many cases of divorce are initiated by wives, catching men by surprise. The surprised partner rarely has time to process their emotions, leading to emotional and psychological complications like depression, insomnia, guilt, anxiety, and identity crisis.

Bouncing back from shock can take time for men who often lack a support network. The case can be worse for individuals who have histories of depression as the symptoms of depression may manifest long after the divorce is finalized.

Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Divorce on Women

While women will experience emotional and psychological difficulties after divorce, they will likely reach out to support networks. They can quickly identify and deal with their challenges while focusing on being good mothers.

Unfortunately, divorced women tend to hold on to the stress longer than men. Experts attribute that to an unexpected decline in the quality of life post-divorce.

Navigating Divorce in Georgia

Going through divorce alone in Georgia can be challenging. Fortunately, you can contact an experienced family law attorney to help you. 

Family law attorneys take away the legal burden of divorce. They help you handle issues like child and spousal support, custody, and marital assets. That leaves you with time to focus on your well-being and get back on your feet stronger.


The impacts of divorce on men’s and women’s health can be detrimental. Divorcees often suffer from conditions such as stress, anxiety, and depression, which, when improperly handled, can lead to severe illnesses. It is crucial to seek support from experts, including family law attorneys and counselors, to help you get through your situation successfully. 

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