Victims who are the victims of negligence or bad acts can suffer from pain, discomfort and stress. Only a few people outside of your family and close friends understand the devastating effects of a serious injury on your life.

There is a silver lining in bringing a lawsuit for personal injury. It can help you recover your financial losses and the quality of life you have suffered. In order to receive compensation, you must make a strong case for pain and suffering compensation. In a Topeka personal injury case, the importance of pain and suffer compensation cannot be overstated.

The experienced attorneys at the Palmer Law Group are able to use their knowledge, skills and tenacity in order to provide the support needed for recovery. It would be unfair not to receive pain and suffering compensation if you were injured due to the recklessness of another. Contact the Palmer Law Group to schedule a Topeka injury consultation.

What is considered pain and suffering in personal injury lawsuits?

Pain and suffering is a term used to describe the mental, physical and emotional distress people feel after a traumatic event. Personal injury cases can involve an auto accident, a vicious attack by a dog, medical malpractice or a fall that was caused by a property owner who failed to maintain a safe environment. Some people will sue violent criminals who have committed intentional acts of violence. In Topeka, pain and suffering is generally referred to in two different ways: physically and mentally.

Understanding Physical Pain

In a personal injuries case, pain and suffering refers to the way that your body reacts when you are injured or ill by an external agent. If someone contracted cancer, a debilitating pulmonary condition, or chronic disease after being exposed to a toxic substance, then persistent pain and suffering could be considered actionable. It is important to note that physical pain and discomfort are not limited to the following.

A diminished quality of living is the result when physical conditions cause chronic pain. You may not be able to fully enjoy your life and participate in family activities if you are unable to move around and manage pain. These are all ways that physical conditions can negatively impact mental and emotional well-being.

Understanding mental pain and suffering

Physical discomfort is not a result of nothing. All of us are thinking, emotional beings that develop strong feelings after trauma. Post Traumatic Stress disorder, or PTSD, is a common condition that occurs in people who have experienced traumatic events. The condition can cause mental distress to otherwise healthy members of the community. This condition can be chronic or suddenly triggered by certain sounds, smells and places. There are also other forms of mental suffering and pain that require compensation.

Personal injury claims can include losses resulting from a negligent act or willful harm committed by another person.

You can get help from a Topeka lawyer who has experience in pain and suffering.

We understand that money will never be able to compensate for the suffering and pain you and your family members have experienced. Currently, the only mechanism available is financial awards and settlements. Contacting us at (888), 966-8308 to schedule a consultation will allow us to evaluate your out of pocket losses and begin calculating pain and suffering compensation. A Topeka personal injuries lawyer can assist you in these ways.

We are a Topeka law firm that has extensive experience in resolving personal injury cases. We build a compelling narrative around concrete facts. We often settle cases out of court. If the negligent party does not provide you with the pain and damages that you deserve, we are happy to take your case to a judge or jury.

What you need to know about Topeka pain and suffering compensation

Kansas law allows injured persons to recover compensation for pain and suffering under “non-economic” damages. This is different from medical expenses, property damage and lost wages.

Due to the unpredictable nature of court awards, large insurance companies now use technology to calculate noneconomic compensation. The adjuster adds up the total medical costs and lost wages. This figure is multiplied between one and five times. Some insurance companies use a daily per diem method. The insurance companies assign a dollar amount per day from the date the incident occurred until the maximum estimated recovery. Insurance companies will often try to pay less than their estimates, and thus shortchange the victims.

You should also be aware that there are certain restrictions when bringing an injury claim in Topeka. The following statutes are included.

In some cases, pain and suffering awards may reach as much as 350,000. Wrongful death awards are generally limited to $250,000. If you’ve been injured by someone else, whether it was a vicious animal or a drunken driver, it is important to hire a Topeka personal injuries lawyer.

Topeka Personal Injury Attorneys to Contact

Insurance adjusters are known to try and get victims to accept quick settlements, even if they’re struggling financially. You will rarely receive enough money to cover all of your out-of pocket expenses and it won’t adequately address your pain and suffering. Insurance companies should not take unfair advantage of you by paying less than they should.

You will be able to receive the compensation you deserve by hiring a Topeka personal injury attorney. Contact us through the platform to schedule a consultation with an attorney from Palmer Law Group.

The article Topeka, KS Pain and Suffering Compensation first appeared on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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