On the 24th of February 2022 Russia launched their invasion on Ukraine by sending armed forces into the capital, Kyiv as well as the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv with the aim of overthrowing President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government.

Now, two years on this war is on-going with thousands of people killed, forced from their homes, and torn from their families.

Recent developments

The BBC offers current updates on the war.

Ukraine currently has very limited claimed land as the Russian forces make their way and take control over major areas with their main goal being the subjugation of Ukraine.

Legal action against Russia

The Geneva Conventions are the set of humanitarian laws which should be followed during a war, originally created in 1864 to help preserve humanity during wartime. The International Criminal Court (ICC) accused Russia of breaching these conventions as well as the US making the same claim, both very early on in the invasion of Ukraine. Both Ukraine and Russia are not a member of the ICC however, Ukraine has accepted their jurisdiction and so cooperation with the court say the ICC.

Foreign aid

Ukraine have relied on the support from the west, providing ammunition and troops, however with their aid becoming less dependable they face a struggling defeat. The long-term commitment of Ukraine’s allies are beginning to be questioned.

Ukraine is in desperate need of further military aid and whilst the US and UK have been steadfast in their pledges there has been a recent slowdown of actions. This delay in action has already caused the Ukrainian soldiers to be left short when they needed aid the most.

The Japanese Prime Minister, Kishida Fumio pledges his “unwavering support” during a speech as the Japan-Ukraine Conference in February 2024.

The Diplomat paper reminds us that legal restrictions prevent Japan from sending lethal aid so instead it largely focuses on humanitarian, economic, and non-lethal military aid.

Japan is offering…

The war is still not over

The world would never have imagined the war would go on for this long and yet there is no end in sight now two years later.

With both Ukraine and Russia continuing their battle and urging for more weaponry, the negotiations have reached a worrying stalemate. Without any movement and only more violence there is concern for how much more disruption the war is causing for thousands of people.

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