On February 20, 2025, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) published its annual Tech Horizons Report (the “Report”), which explores four key technologies expected to play a significant role in society over the next two to seven years. These technologies include connected transport, quantum sensing and imaging, digital diagnostics and therapeutics, and synthetic media. The Report also discusses the ongoing work of the ICO in addressing data protection and privacy concerns related to the emerging technologies featured in their previous Tech Horizons reports.

The Report provides an overview of how key innovations are seeking to reshape industries and everyday life, the privacy and data protection implications of such innovations, and the ICO’s proposed recommendations and next steps. Below are examples of some of the potential privacy and data protection implications identified by the ICO, along with certain recommendations:

Connected Transport

The ICO recommends embedding privacy by design into hardware and services related to connected vehicles to demonstrate compliance with the UK GDPR and other data protection legislation.

Quantum Sensing and Imaging

The ICO acknowledges that in the case of novel quantum sensing and imaging for medical or research purposes, a key benefit is the extra detail and insights provided by the technology. This could be deemed as conflicting with the principle of data minimization. The ICO states that the principle “does not prevent healthcare organisations processing more detailed information about people where necessary to support positive health outcomes,” but that organizations must have a justification for collecting and processing additional information, such as a clear research benefit.

The ICO states that it will continue to find opportunities to engage with industry in this area and to explore any potential data protection risks. The ICO also encourages embedding privacy by design and default when testing and deploying quantum technologies that involve processing personal information.

Digital Diagnostics and Therapeutics

The ICO recommends providers implement privacy by design and ensure that any third parties they are engaged with have in place appropriate privacy measures and safeguards. In addition, providers should also ensure they follow guidance regarding fairness, bias and unlawful discrimination.

Synthetic Media

The ICO intends to develop its understanding of synthetic media, including how personal data is processed in the context. The ICO also will work with other regulators and continue to engage with other stakeholders such as the public and interest groups.

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